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function _services_controller_execute_internals in Services 7.3

Internals of the services_controller_execute().

Arguments are the same as services_controller_execute().

1 call to _services_controller_execute_internals()
services_controller_execute in includes/
Performs access checks and executes a services controller. This method is called by server implementations.


includes/, line 161
Contains functions that only are necessary when a service call is made. This has broken out so that this code isn't loaded for every page load.


function _services_controller_execute_internals($controller, $args, $options) {
  $server_info = services_server_info_object();
  $endpoint_name = services_get_server_info('endpoint');
  $endpoint = services_endpoint_load($endpoint_name);
  _services_authenticate_user($controller, $endpoint, $args, $options);

  // Load the proper file.
  if (!empty($controller['file']) && ($file = $controller['file'])) {
    module_load_include($file['type'], $file['module'], isset($file['name']) ? $file['name'] : NULL);
  _services_run_access_callback($controller, $args);
  $endpoint_path = services_get_server_info('endpoint_path', '');
  $endpoint_path_len = drupal_strlen($endpoint_path) + 1;
  $canonical_path = drupal_substr($_GET['q'], $endpoint_path_len, drupal_strlen($_GET['q']) - $endpoint_path_len);

  // Prepare $path array and $resource_name.
  $path = explode('/', $canonical_path);
  $resource_name = array_shift($path);
  $options['version'] = _services_version_header_options() ? _services_version_header_options() : NULL;
  $options['resource'] = $resource_name;

  //because index is never filled, we have to add this on an else, $remove_index is just a paranoid variable to make sure that futher code flow is not altered.
  $remove_index = FALSE;
  if (isset($path[0])) {
    $options['method'] = $path[0];
  else {
    $options['method'] = 'index';
    $remove_index = TRUE;
  if (!empty($options['version'])) {
    services_request_apply_version($controller, $options);
  if ($remove_index) {
  drupal_alter('services_request_preprocess', $controller, $args, $options);

  // Log the arguments.
  if (!empty($server_info->debug)) {
    watchdog('services', 'Called arguments: <pre>@arguments</pre>', array(
      '@arguments' => print_r($args, TRUE),

  // Execute the controller callback.
  $result = call_user_func_array($controller['callback'], $args);
  drupal_alter('services_request_postprocess', $controller, $args, $result);
  return $result;