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function hook_services_authentication_info in Services 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 services.authentication.api.php \hook_services_authentication_info()

Supplies information about a given authentication method to Services.

Return value

An associative array with information about the authentication method and its callbacks. The possible keys are as follows (all keys are optional unless noted).

  • title (required): The display name for this authentication method.
  • description (required): Longer text describing this authentciation method.
  • authenticate_call (required): The name of a function to be called to perform the actual authentication. <details of params/return>
  • security_settings: A callback function which returns an associative array of Form API elements for a settings form.
  • default_security_settings: A callback funtion which returns an array with the default settings for the auth module.
  • _services_security_settings_validate: The name of a standard form validation callback for the form defined in 'security_settings'.
  • _services_security_settings_submit: The name of a standard form submit callback for the form defined in 'security_settings'.
  • alter_controllers: The name of a callback function which will alter a services method signature in order to add required arguments.
  • controller_settings: A callback function which returns an associative array of Form API elements for a controller settings form.
  • file: An include file which contains the authentication callbacks.
2 functions implement hook_services_authentication_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

services_oauth_services_authentication_info in auth/services_oauth/services_oauth.module
Implementation of hook_services_authentication().
services_services_authentication_info in ./services.module
Implementation of hook_services_authentication_info().
2 invocations of hook_services_authentication_info()
services_ctools_export_ui_form in plugins/export_ui/
Form to edit the settings of an endpoint.
services_edit_form_endpoint_authentication in plugins/export_ui/services_ctools_export_ui.class.php
Endpoint authentication configuration form.


docs/services.authentication.api.php, line 40
Hooks provided by Services for the definition of authentication plugins.


function hook_services_authentication_info() {