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function _serial_get_table_name in Serial Field 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 \_serial_get_table_name()

Gets the name of the assistant table for a specific field.


string $entity_type: Type of entity (e.g. node)

string $bundle: The name of the entity type that contains the field (e.g. content type)

string $field_name: The name of the field.

Return value

string The name of the assistant table of the specified field.

5 calls to _serial_get_table_name()
serial_update_7130 in ./serial.install
Upgrade path.
serial_update_7132 in ./serial.install
Reorganize table names to prevent collisions with long names.
_serial_generate_value in ./
Generates a unique serial value (unique per entity bundle).
_serial_get_field_table_name in ./
Gets the name of the assistant table for a specific field.
_serial_rename_tables in ./
Renames serial table(s) when a entity bundle us renamed.


./, line 101
Internal functions for the Serial module.


function _serial_get_table_name($entity_type, $bundle, $field_name) {

  // Remember about max length of MySQL tables - 64 symbols.
  // @todo Think about improvement for this.
  return db_escape_table('serial_' . md5("{$entity_type}_{$bundle}_{$field_name}"));