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README.txt in Select with Style 7


The javascript for this module heavily borrows from the SliderField module
whose maintainers and contributors are gratefully acknowledged.

Focus and context of this module are different form SliderField, though.

While SliderField is about the data input and storage aspects of numeric fields,
Slide with Style is about search FILTERS for your fields, in particular
RANGE filters, for fields that are themselves NOT ranges, like numbers or list

You will see the widget pop up under the name "Slider" in the widget select
drop-down of fields of the number (integer, float, decimal) or list (text,
number) types. After you have selected it, you'll be given a number of options
to affect its appearance like orientation (horizontal or vertical) and whether
to show an edit field and/or value balloon next to the slider bar. You may
also choose a colour/styling scheme. When different slider widgets appear on
the same page they will share the same colour scheme.

When the widget is then used as a filter (e.g. in Views as an exposed filter or
in Views as a contextual filter UI via Views Global Filter), the slider
automatically becomes a RANGE slider with TWO sliding handles to set "from" and
"to" range values. If the edit field is configured to be displayed, it will be
read-only. For the widget to appear in Views as an exposed filter make sure the
box "Also employ Slide with Style widget in Views exposed filters" is ticked.
You'll find this box on the Select with Style configuration page,

If the slider widget is chosen for a LIST field, make sure that when defining
the allowed values at admin/structure/types/manage/<content-type>/fields/<field>/field-settings,
the keys are consecutive integers, as the slider will assume a step size of 1
between the keys.




View source
  2. ================
  3. The javascript for this module heavily borrows from the SliderField module
  4. whose maintainers and contributors are gratefully acknowledged.
  5. Focus and context of this module are different form SliderField, though.
  6. While SliderField is about the data input and storage aspects of numeric fields,
  7. Slide with Style is about search FILTERS for your fields, in particular
  8. RANGE filters, for fields that are themselves NOT ranges, like numbers or list
  9. fields.
  10. You will see the widget pop up under the name "Slider" in the widget select
  11. drop-down of fields of the number (integer, float, decimal) or list (text,
  12. number) types. After you have selected it, you'll be given a number of options
  13. to affect its appearance like orientation (horizontal or vertical) and whether
  14. to show an edit field and/or value balloon next to the slider bar. You may
  15. also choose a colour/styling scheme. When different slider widgets appear on
  16. the same page they will share the same colour scheme.
  17. When the widget is then used as a filter (e.g. in Views as an exposed filter or
  18. in Views as a contextual filter UI via Views Global Filter), the slider
  19. automatically becomes a RANGE slider with TWO sliding handles to set "from" and
  20. "to" range values. If the edit field is configured to be displayed, it will be
  21. read-only. For the widget to appear in Views as an exposed filter make sure the
  22. box "Also employ Slide with Style widget in Views exposed filters" is ticked.
  23. You'll find this box on the Select with Style configuration page,
  24. admin/config/system/slide_with_style.
  25. If the slider widget is chosen for a LIST field, make sure that when defining
  26. the allowed values at admin/structure/types/manage//fields//field-settings,
  27. the keys are consecutive integers, as the slider will assume a step size of 1
  28. between the keys.
  29. Example:
  30. 1|Baby
  31. 2|Toddler
  32. 3|Child
  33. 4|Teenager
  34. 5|Adult
  35. 6|Middle-aged
  36. 7|Retiree