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function select_or_other_element_process in Select (or other) 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 select_or_other.module \select_or_other_element_process()

Process callback for a Select (or other) element.

1 string reference to 'select_or_other_element_process'
select_or_other_element_info in ./select_or_other.module
Implements hook_element_info().


./select_or_other.module, line 78
The Select (or other) module.


function select_or_other_element_process($element, &$form_state) {
  $element['#tree'] = TRUE;
  $element['#processed'] = TRUE;

  // Load the JS file to hide/show the 'other' box when needed.
  $element['#attached']['js'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'select_or_other') . '/select_or_other.js';

  // Create the main select box
  // Note that #title, #title_display, #default_value, #disabled, #multiple,
  // #required, #size, #options, and #attributes are passed to the select box
  // from the main element automatically.
  $element['select'] = array(
    '#type' => $element['#select_type'],
    '#title' => $element['#title'],
    '#title_display' => $element['#title_display'],
    '#default_value' => !empty($element['#default_value']) ? $element['#default_value'] : NULL,
    '#disabled' => $element['#disabled'],
    '#multiple' => $element['#multiple'],
    '#required' => $element['#required'],
    '#size' => isset($element['#size']) ? $element['#size'] : NULL,
    '#options' => $element['#options'],
    '#attributes' => $element['#attributes'],
    '#weight' => 10,
  foreach (array(
  ) as $key) {
    if (isset($element[$key])) {
      $element['select'][$key] = $element[$key];

  // Remove the default value on the container level so it doesn't get rendered there.
  $element['#value'] = NULL;

  // Remove the required parameter so FAPI doesn't force us to fill in the textfield.
  $element['#required'] = NULL;

  // Now we must handle the default values.
  $other_default = array();

  // Easier to work with the defaults if they are an array.
  if (!is_array($element['select']['#default_value'])) {
    $element['select']['#default_value'] = array(

  // Process the default value.
  foreach ($element['select']['#default_value'] as $key => $val) {
    if ($val && isset($element['select']['#options']) && is_array($element['select']['#options']) && !select_or_other_multi_array_key_exists($val, $element['select']['#options']) && !in_array($val, $element['select']['#options'])) {

      // Not a valid option - add it to 'other'.
      if ($element['#other_unknown_defaults'] == 'other') {
        if ($element['#other_delimiter']) {
          $other_default[] = $val;
        else {
          $other_default = array(

        // Remove it from the select's default value.
      elseif ($element['#other_unknown_defaults'] == 'append' || $element['#other_unknown_defaults'] == 'available') {
        $element['select']['#options'][$val] = $val;

  // If the expected default value is a string/integer, remove the array wrapper.
  if ($element['#select_type'] == 'radios' || $element['#select_type'] == 'select' && !$element['#multiple']) {
    $element['select']['#default_value'] = reset($element['select']['#default_value']);
  $other_default_string = '';
  if (!empty($other_default)) {
    $other_default_string = implode($element['#other_delimiter'], $other_default);
    if (is_array($element['select']['#default_value'])) {
      $element['select']['#default_value'][] = 'select_or_other';
    else {
      $element['select']['#default_value'] = 'select_or_other';

  // Add in the 'other' option.
  $element['select']['#options']['select_or_other'] = $element['#other'];

  // Create the 'other' textfield without the required attribute, if any.
  $element['other'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#weight' => 20,
    '#default_value' => $other_default_string,
    '#disabled' => $element['#disabled'],
    '#attributes' => array_diff_key($element['#attributes'], array(
      'required' => NULL,

  // Populate properties set specifically as #select_property or #other_property
  $sub_elements = array(
  foreach ($sub_elements as $sub_element) {
    foreach ($element as $key => $value) {
      if (strpos($key, '#' . $sub_element . '_') === 0) {
        $element[$sub_element][str_replace('#' . $sub_element . '_', '#', $key)] = $value;

    // Also add in a custom class for each.
    $element[$sub_element]['#attributes']['class'][] = 'select-or-other-' . $sub_element;
  if (!empty($element['#maxlength'])) {
    $element['other']['#maxlength'] = $element['#maxlength'];
  if (isset($element['#other_size'])) {
    $element['other']['#size'] = $element['#other_size'];

  // Hide the title from the wrapper.
  $element['#title'] = NULL;
  return $element;