select_or_other.module in Select (or other) 6
Same filename and directory in other branches
The Select (or other) module.
select_or_other.moduleView source
* @file
* The Select (or other) module.
* Implementation of hook_theme().
function select_or_other_theme() {
return array(
'select_or_other' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'element' => NULL,
'select_or_other_none' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'field' => NULL,
* Theme a Select (or other) element.
function theme_select_or_other($element) {
// Load the JS file to hide/show the 'other' box when needed.
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'select_or_other') . '/select_or_other.js');
$output = "<div class=\"select-or-other form-item\">\n";
$output .= drupal_render($element) . "\n";
// Render #description below both elements.
if (!empty($element['#description'])) {
$output .= ' <div class="description">' . $element['#description'] . "</div>\n";
$output .= "</div>\n";
return $output;
* Implementation of hook_elements().
function select_or_other_elements() {
$type['select_or_other'] = array(
'#select_type' => 'select',
'#input' => TRUE,
'#size' => 0,
'#multiple' => FALSE,
'#disabled' => FALSE,
'#default_value' => NULL,
'#process' => array(
'#element_validate' => array(
'#other' => t('Other'),
'#theme' => 'select_or_other',
return $type;
* Implementation of form_type_hook_value().
function form_type_select_or_other_value($element, $edit = FALSE) {
if (func_num_args() == 1) {
return $element['#default_value'];
* Process callback for a Select (or other) element.
function select_or_other_process($element, $edit, &$form_state, $form) {
$element['#tree'] = TRUE;
$element['#processed'] = TRUE;
// Create the main select box
// Note that #title, #default_value, #disabled, #multiple, #options, #attributes,
// #required, and #size as passed to the select box from the main element.
$element['select'] = array(
'#type' => $element['#select_type'],
'#title' => $element['#title'],
'#default_value' => $element['#default_value'],
'#disabled' => $element['#disabled'],
'#multiple' => $element['#multiple'],
'#required' => $element['#required'],
'#size' => $element['#size'],
'#options' => $element['#options'],
'#attributes' => $element['#attributes'],
'#weight' => 10,
// The following values were set by the content module and need
// to be passed down to the nested element.
'#field_name' => $element['#field_name'],
'#delta' => $element['#delta'],
'#columns' => $element['#columns'],
// Remove the default value on the container level so it doesn't get rendered there.
$element['#value'] = NULL;
// Remove the required parameter so FAPI doesn't force us to fill in the textfield.
$element['#required'] = NULL;
// Allows other modules to update the #title_display options.
$element['#pre_render'] = array(
// Now we must handle the default values.
$other_default = array();
// Easier to work with the defaults if they are an array.
if (!is_array($element['select']['#default_value'])) {
$element['select']['#default_value'] = array(
// Process the default value.
foreach ($element['select']['#default_value'] as $key => $val) {
if ($val && isset($element['select']['#options']) && is_array($element['select']['#options']) && !array_key_exists($val, $element['select']['#options']) && !in_array($val, $element['select']['#options'])) {
// Not a valid option - add it to 'other'.
if ($element['#other_unknown_defaults'] == 'other') {
if ($element['#other_delimiter']) {
$other_default[] = $val;
else {
$other_default = array(
// Remove it from the select's default value.
elseif ($element['#other_unknown_defaults'] == 'append') {
$element['select']['#options'][$val] = $val;
// If the expected default value is a string/integer, remove the array wrapper.
if ($element['#select_type'] == 'radios' || $element['#select_type'] == 'select' && !$element['#multiple']) {
$element['select']['#default_value'] = reset($element['select']['#default_value']);
$other_default_string = '';
if (!empty($other_default)) {
$other_default_string = implode($element['#other_delimiter'], $other_default);
if (is_array($element['select']['#default_value'])) {
$element['select']['#default_value'][] = 'select_or_other';
else {
$element['select']['#default_value'] = 'select_or_other';
// Add in the 'other' option.
$element['select']['#options']['select_or_other'] = $element['#other'];
// Create the 'other' textfield.
$element['other'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#weight' => 20,
'#default_value' => $other_default_string,
'#disabled' => $element['#disabled'],
'#attributes' => $element['#attributes'],
// Populate properties set specifically as #select_property or #other_property
$sub_elements = array(
foreach ($sub_elements as $sub_element) {
foreach ($element as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($key, '#' . $sub_element . '_') === 0) {
$element[$sub_element][str_replace('#' . $sub_element . '_', '#', $key)] = $value;
// Also add in a custom class for each.
if (isset($element[$sub_element]['#attributes']['class'])) {
$element[$sub_element]['#attributes']['class'] .= " select-or-other-" . $sub_element;
else {
$element[$sub_element]['#attributes']['class'] = "select-or-other-" . $sub_element;
return $element;
* Mimics Drupal 7 #title_display attribute, which removes the #title
* attribute. Using the #pre_render callback ensures that the #title
* attribute is still available during validation.
* Please revert the patch at when upgrading to
* Drupal 7.
function _select_or_other_title_display($element) {
if (isset($element['#title_display']) && $element['#title_display'] === 'none') {
$element['select']['#title'] = NULL;
return $element;
* Element validate callback for a Select (or other) element.
function select_or_other_element_validate($element, &$form_state) {
$other_selected = FALSE;
if (is_array($element['select']['#value']) && in_array('select_or_other', $element['select']['#value'])) {
// This is a multiselect. assoc arrays
$other_selected = TRUE;
$value = $element['select']['#value'];
$value[$element['other']['#value']] = $element['other']['#value'];
else {
if (is_string($element['select']['#value']) && $element['select']['#value'] == 'select_or_other') {
// This is a single select.
$other_selected = TRUE;
$value = $element['other']['#value'];
else {
$value = $element['select']['#value'];
if ($other_selected && !$element['other']['#value']) {
form_error($element['other'], t('!title is required', array(
'!title' => $element['#title'],
if (isset($value)) {
form_set_value($element, $value, $form_state);
$form_state['clicked_button']['#post'][$element['#name']] = $value;
// Is this something we should do?
return $element;
* Test function.
* to view, visit
* You must have the permission 'access administration pages'.
function select_or_other_test_form($form_state) {
$v =& $form_state['values'];
$form['my_field_1'] = array(
'#type' => 'select_or_other',
'#title' => t('My example Field'),
'#default_value' => $v['my_field_1'] ? $v['my_field_1'] : array(
'Another value',
'extra value',
'#options' => array(
'option1' => t('Option 1'),
'option2' => t('Option 2'),
'option3' => t('Option 3'),
'#other' => t('Other (please type with your fingers)'),
'#required' => TRUE,
'#multiple' => FALSE,
'#other_delimiter' => ', ',
// if this is FALSE only the last value will be used
'#other_unknown_defaults' => 'other',
// possible values 'append', 'ignore', 'other' (if other specified you can also override #other_delimiter).
'#description' => t("The description of this element."),
$form['fieldset'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Fieldset'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
$form['fieldset']['my_field_2'] = array(
'#type' => 'select_or_other',
'#select_type' => 'checkboxes',
'#title' => t('My checkboxes example'),
'#default_value' => $v['my_field_2'] ? $v['my_field_2'] : array(
'Another value',
'#options' => array(
'option1' => t('Option 1'),
'option2' => t('Option 2'),
'option3' => t('Option 3'),
'#other' => t('Other (please type with your fingers)'),
'#required' => TRUE,
'#multiple' => TRUE,
// this should be ignored for checkboxes
'#other_delimiter' => ', ',
// if this is FALSE only the last value will be used
'#other_unknown_defaults' => 'append',
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Save'),
return $form;
function select_or_other_test_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
// drupal_set_message("form_state<pre>".print_r($form_state,true));
$form_state['storage'] = $form_state['values'];
* Implementation of hook_menu().
function select_or_other_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['select-or-other-test-form'] = array(
'title' => 'select_or_other test',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'access administration pages',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
* Implementation of hook_widget_info().
* This is a CCK hook.
function select_or_other_widget_info() {
return array(
'select_or_other' => array(
'label' => t('Select (or other) list'),
'field types' => array(
'multiple values' => CONTENT_HANDLE_MODULE,
'callbacks' => array(
'default value' => CONTENT_CALLBACK_DEFAULT,
'select_or_other_sort' => array(
'label' => t('Select (or other) drag and drop lists'),
'field types' => array(
'multiple values' => CONTENT_HANDLE_CORE,
'callbacks' => array(
'default value' => CONTENT_CALLBACK_DEFAULT,
'select_or_other_buttons' => array(
'label' => t('Select (or other) check boxes/radio buttons'),
'field types' => array(
'multiple values' => CONTENT_HANDLE_MODULE,
'callbacks' => array(
'default value' => CONTENT_CALLBACK_DEFAULT,
* Implementation of hook_widget().
* This is a CCK hook.
function select_or_other_widget(&$form, &$form_state, $field, $items, $delta = NULL) {
$options = array();
// Create options - similar to code from content_allowed_values().
$list = explode("\n", $field['widget']['available_options']);
if (isset($field['widget']['available_options_php'])) {
$list = eval($field['widget']['available_options_php']);
$list = array_map('trim', $list);
$list = array_filter($list, 'strlen');
foreach ($list as $opt) {
// Sanitize the user input with a permissive filter.
$opt = content_filter_xss($opt);
if (strpos($opt, '|') !== FALSE) {
list($key, $value) = explode('|', $opt);
$options[$key] = isset($value) && $value !== '' ? $value : $key;
else {
$options[$opt] = $opt;
// Add a 'none' option for non-required single selects, sort selects, and radios
if (!$field['required']) {
if ($field['widget']['type'] == 'select_or_other_buttons' && !$field['multiple'] || $field['widget']['type'] == 'select_or_other' && !$field['multiple'] || $field['widget']['type'] == 'select_or_other_sort') {
$options = array(
'' => theme('select_or_other_none', $field),
) + $options;
// Construct the element.
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select_or_other',
'#other' => $field['widget']['other'],
'#default_value' => isset($items[$delta]) ? $items[$delta] : NULL,
'#options' => $options,
'#description' => $field['widget']['description'],
'#multiple' => $field['multiple'],
'#required' => $field['required'],
//'#other_delimiter' => $field['widget']['other_delimiter'] == 'FALSE' ? FALSE : $field['widget']['other_delimiter'],
'#other_delimiter' => FALSE,
'#other_unknown_defaults' => $field['widget']['other_unknown_defaults'],
'#element_validate' => array(
'#cck_widget' => $field['widget']['type'],
// Set select type's.
switch ($field['widget']['type']) {
case 'select_or_other':
$element['#select_type'] = 'select';
case 'select_or_other_sort':
$element['#select_type'] = 'select';
// Also disable multiples for this select type.
$element['#multiple'] = FALSE;
case 'select_or_other_buttons':
$element['#select_type'] = $field['multiple'] ? 'checkboxes' : 'radios';
// In situations where we handle our own multiples (checkboxes and multiple selects) set defaults differently.
if ($element['#multiple']) {
$element['#default_value'] = array();
foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
$element['#default_value'][$delta] = $item['value'];
return $element;
* Implementation of hook_widget_settings().
* This is a CCK hook.
function select_or_other_widget_settings($op, $widget) {
switch ($op) {
case 'form':
$form = array();
$form['available_options'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Available options'),
'#description' => t('A list of values that are, by default, available for selection. Enter one value per line, in the format key|label. The key is the value that will be stored in the database, and the label is what will be displayed to the user. This is not the same as <em>allowed values</em> (below) which will also restrict what a user can type into the <em>other</em> textfield.'),
'#default_value' => isset($widget['available_options']) ? $widget['available_options'] : '',
$form['available_options_fieldset']['advanced_options'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('PHP code'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => empty($widget['available_options_php']),
if (user_access('Use PHP input for field settings (dangerous - grant with care)')) {
$form['available_options_fieldset']['advanced_options']['available_options_php'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Code'),
'#default_value' => !empty($widget['available_options_php']) ? $widget['available_options_php'] : '',
'#rows' => 6,
'#description' => t('Advanced usage only: PHP code that returns a keyed array of available options. Should not include <?php ?> delimiters. If this field is filled out, the array returned by this code will override the available options list above.'),
else {
$form['available_options_fieldset']['advanced_options']['markup_available_options_php'] = array(
'#type' => 'item',
'#title' => t('Code'),
'#value' => !empty($widget['available_options_php']) ? '<code>' . check_plain($widget['available_options_php']) . '</code>' : t('<none>'),
'#description' => empty($widget['available_options_php']) ? t("You're not allowed to input PHP code.") : t('This PHP code was set by an administrator and will override the allowed values list above.'),
$form['other'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('<em>Other</em> option'),
'#description' => t('Label for the option that the user will choose when they want to supply an <em>other</em> value.'),
'#default_value' => isset($widget['other']) ? $widget['other'] : t('Other'),
'#required' => TRUE,
$form['other_unknown_defaults'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('<em>Other</em> value as default value'),
'#description' => t("If any incoming default values do not appear in <em>available options</em> (i.e. set as <em>other</em> values), what should happen?"),
'#options' => array(
'other' => t('Add the values to the other textfield.'),
'append' => t('Append the values to the options'),
'ignore' => t('Ignore the values'),
'#default_value' => isset($widget['other_unknown_defaults']) ? $widget['other_unknown_defaults'] : 'other',
'#required' => TRUE,
There are design issues with saving multiple other values with some CCK widgets - this needs a rethink.
$form['other_delimiter'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Other delimiter'),
'#description' => t("Delimiter string to delimit multiple 'other' values into the <em>other</em> textfield. If you enter <em>FALSE</em> only the last value will be used."),
'#default_value' => isset($widget['other_delimiter']) ? $widget['other_delimiter'] : ', ',
'#required' => TRUE,
'#size' => 5,
return $form;
case 'save':
return array(
* Element validate callback for a Select (or other) CCK widget.
function select_or_other_cck_validate($element, &$form_state) {
$other_selected = FALSE;
if (is_array($element['select']['#value']) && in_array('select_or_other', $element['select']['#value'])) {
// This is a multiselect. assoc arrays
$other_selected = TRUE;
$value = $element['select']['#value'];
$value[$element['other']['#value']] = $element['other']['#value'];
else {
if (is_string($element['select']['#value']) && $element['select']['#value'] == 'select_or_other') {
// This is a single select.
$other_selected = TRUE;
$value = $element['other']['#value'];
else {
$value = $element['select']['#value'];
if ($other_selected && !$element['other']['#value'] && $form_state['values']['form_id'] != 'content_field_edit_form') {
form_error($element['other'], t('%name: @title is required', array(
'%name' => t($element['select']['#title']),
'@title' => $element['#other'],
if (isset($value)) {
if (in_array($element['#cck_widget'], array(
))) {
// Filter out 'none' value (if present, will always be in key 0)
if (isset($items[0]['value']) && $items[0]['value'] === '') {
if ($element['#multiple'] >= 2 && count($value) > $element['#multiple']) {
form_error($element['select'], t('%name: this field cannot hold more than @count values.', array(
'%name' => t($element['select']['#title']),
'@count' => $element['#multiple'],
$delta = 0;
$values = array();
foreach ((array) $value as $v) {
$values[$delta++]['value'] = $v;
$value = $values;
else {
if ($element['#cck_widget'] == 'select_or_other_sort') {
$value = array(
'value' => $value,
form_set_value($element, $value, $form_state);
$form_state['clicked_button']['#post'][$element['#name']] = $value;
// Is this something we should do?
return $element;
* Theme the label for the empty value for options that are not required.
* The default theme will display N/A for a radio list and blank for a select.
function theme_select_or_other_none($field) {
switch ($field['widget']['type']) {
case 'select_or_other_buttons':
return t('N/A');
case 'select_or_other':
case 'select_or_other_sort':
return t('- None -');
return '';
* Implementation of hook_apachesolr_cck_fields_alter().
* Integrate with apachesolr.module.
function select_or_other_apachesolr_cck_fields_alter(&$mappings) {
$mappings['text']['select_or_other_buttons'] = array(
'display_callback' => 'apachesolr_cck_text_field_callback',
'indexing_callback' => 'apachesolr_cck_text_indexing_callback',
'index_type' => 'string',
'facets' => TRUE,
Name![]() |
Description |
form_type_select_or_other_value | Implementation of form_type_hook_value(). |
select_or_other_apachesolr_cck_fields_alter | Implementation of hook_apachesolr_cck_fields_alter(). |
select_or_other_cck_validate | Element validate callback for a Select (or other) CCK widget. |
select_or_other_elements | Implementation of hook_elements(). |
select_or_other_element_validate | Element validate callback for a Select (or other) element. |
select_or_other_menu | Implementation of hook_menu(). |
select_or_other_process | Process callback for a Select (or other) element. |
select_or_other_test_form | Test function. to view, visit You must have the permission 'access administration pages'. |
select_or_other_test_form_submit | |
select_or_other_theme | Implementation of hook_theme(). |
select_or_other_widget | Implementation of hook_widget(). |
select_or_other_widget_info | Implementation of hook_widget_info(). |
select_or_other_widget_settings | Implementation of hook_widget_settings(). |
theme_select_or_other | Theme a Select (or other) element. |
theme_select_or_other_none | Theme the label for the empty value for options that are not required. The default theme will display N/A for a radio list and blank for a select. |
_select_or_other_title_display | Mimics Drupal 7 #title_display attribute, which removes the #title attribute. Using the #pre_render callback ensures that the #title attribute is still available during validation. |