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function security_review_check_error_reporting in Security Review 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 \security_review_check_error_reporting()
1 call to security_review_check_error_reporting()
SecurityReviewTestCase::testCheckResults in tests/security_review.test
1 string reference to 'security_review_check_error_reporting'
_security_review_security_checks in ./
Core Security Review's checks.


./, line 362
Stand-alone security checks and review system.


function security_review_check_error_reporting() {
  $error_level = variable_get('error_level', NULL);
  if (is_null($error_level) || intval($error_level) >= 1) {

    // When the variable isn't set, or its set to 1 or 2 errors are printed to the screen.
    $result = FALSE;
  else {
    $result = TRUE;
  return array(
    'result' => $result,
    'value' => $error_level,