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function hook_security_review_log in Security Review 8

Provides logging capabilities.


\Drupal\security_review\Check $check: The Check the event is related to.

string $message: The message.

array $context: The context of the message.

int $level: Severity (RfcLogLevel).

1 function implements hook_security_review_log()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

security_review_security_review_log in ./security_review.module
Implements hook_security_review_log().
1 invocation of hook_security_review_log()
SecurityReview::log in src/SecurityReview.php
Logs an event.


./security_review.api.php, line 44
Defines the API for Security Review.


function hook_security_review_log(Check $check, $message, array $context, $level) {
  if ($check
    ->getNamespace() == "My Module") {

    // Do something with the information.