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function securesite_login_form in Secure Site 8

We use our own version of the log-in form for theming. We do not use the default validate and submit functions because we may allow anonymous users.

See also


5 string references to 'securesite_login_form'
SecuresiteLoginForm::buildForm in src/Form/SecuresiteLoginForm.php
Form constructor.
SecuresiteLoginForm::getFormId in src/Form/SecuresiteLoginForm.php
Returns a unique string identifying the form.
SecuresiteManager::getMechanism in src/SecuresiteManager.php
Return the appropriate method of authentication for the request
SecuresiteSettingsForm::buildForm in src/Form/SecuresiteSettingsForm.php
Form constructor.
template_preprocess_securesite_login_form in theme/
Process variables for securesite-user-login.html.twig


./securesite.module, line 235
Enables HTTP authentication or an HTML form to restrict site access.


function securesite_login_form($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  return $form;