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function _securesite_request_form in Secure Site 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 \_securesite_request_form()

Returns complete form for password reset request (if enabled)

Return value

HTML used in the Secure Site dialog when the HTTP Auth dialog is cancelled

1 call to _securesite_request_form()
_securesite_user_auth in ./securesite.module
Display authentication dialog and send password reset mails


./, line 32
Support functions for the Secure Site contrib module


function _securesite_request_form() {
  $securesite_enabled = variable_get('securesite_enabled', SECURESITE_DISABLED);
  $output = '';
  if ($form_msg = variable_get('securesite_request_form', t('<p>Enter your username or e-mail address.</p>'))) {
    if ($securesite_enabled == SECURESITE_FORM) {

      // Only output the HR if also outputting the login form
      $output = "  <hr>\n\n  ";
    $output .= "\n  <h1>" . t('Password Reset') . '</h1>
  <div id="reset">' . $form_msg . '</div>
  ' . theme('status_messages') . '
  <form action="' . request_uri() . '" method="post">
    <p><label>' . t('Username') . ': <input type="text" maxlength="55" class="form-text" name="edit[name]" id="edit-name" value=""></label></p>
    <p><label>' . t('E-mail address') . ': <input type="text" maxlength="64" class="form-text" name="edit[mail]" id="edit-mail" value=""></label></p>
    <p><input type="hidden" name="securesite_request_form" value="1"><input type="submit" class="form-submit" name="op" value="' . t('Reset password') . '"></p>

  else {
    if ($securesite_enabled == SECURESITE_AUTH) {

      // If password reset is disabled and the login form isn't being used,
      // output a message to the user informing them how to login
      $output = theme('status_messages') . '<p id="password">' . t('Reload the page to try logging in again.') . "</p>\n";
  return $output;