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Files in Secure Site 7.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Secure Site 7.x-2.x, xxxx-xx-xx ------------------------------- #1528012 by Patrizio: Fixed issue with i18n integration. #1423620 by Dave.Ingram: Fixed issue with hook_uninstall db syntax. #1414678 by Yura and Patrrizio: Fixed undefined…
digest_md5.conf.php digest_md5/digest_md5.conf.php Configuration for digest authentication. Only the root user should have access to this file.
digest_md5.php digest_md5/digest_md5.php This script implements the DIGEST-MD5 mechanism for all protocols. Only the root user should have access to this script and the database used to store passwords and nonce values.
README.txt README.txt The Secure Site module allows site administrators to make a site or part of a site private. You can restrict access to the site by role. This means the site will be inaccessible to search engines and other crawlers, but you can still allow access to…
README.txt digest_md5/README.txt Digest authentication avoids transmitting passwords by exchanging character strings (digests) that prove both the user and the Web server know the password. This requires passwords for all users to be stored on the server. It is very important to…
securesite-page.tpl.php theme/securesite-page.tpl.php Template for Secure Site pages. Taken from modules/system/html.tpl.php
securesite-user-login.tpl.php theme/securesite-user-login.tpl.php Template for Secure Site log-in form.
securesite-user-pass.tpl.php theme/securesite-user-pass.tpl.php Template for Secure Site password reset form. Secure Site administration pages.
securesite.css theme/securesite.css html { background: white; } body { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 76%; text-align: center; width: 30em; margin: 5em auto; border: 1px #BBB solid; -webkit-border-radius: 1em; … Secure Site log-in functions. name = Secure Site description = Enables HTTP Auth security or an HTML form to restrict site access. core = 7.x configure = admin/config/system/securesite files[] = securesite.test files[] =
securesite.install securesite.install Secure Site installation functions.
securesite.module securesite.module Enables HTTP authentication or an HTML form to restrict site access.
securesite.test securesite.test Tests for Secure Site module. theme/ Theme functions. Variable module integration.
stored_passwords.php digest_md5/stored_passwords.php This script manages stored passwords. Only the root user should have access to this script and the database used to store passwords.

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