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digest_md5.php in Secure Site 6.2

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  1. 8 digest_md5/digest_md5.php
  2. 7.2 digest_md5/digest_md5.php

This script implements the DIGEST-MD5 mechanism for all protocols. Only the root user should have access to this script and the database used to store passwords and nonce values.

Usage: digest_md5.php [OPTIONS]...

Options: data=STRING The contents of the Authentication header. A challenge will be issued if this is missing. method=STRING HTTP connection method. Defaults to AUTHENTICATE. uri=STRING URI of requested resource. If this is given, the URI value in the Authentication header must match it. realm=STRING Realm. Defaults to hostname. fakerealm=STRING Fake realm. Used to force browsers to re-authenticate. opaque=STRING Opaque string. Defaults to base64 encoded nonce value. qop=STRING Quality of protection. Defaults to auth. entity-body=STRING Message body for encryption and integrity checking.


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 * @file
 * This script implements the DIGEST-MD5 mechanism for all protocols. Only the
 * root user should have access to this script and the database used to store
 * passwords and nonce values.
 * Usage: digest_md5.php [OPTIONS]...
 * Options:
 *   data=STRING         The contents of the Authentication header. A challenge
 *                       will be issued if this is missing.
 *   method=STRING       HTTP connection method. Defaults to AUTHENTICATE.
 *   uri=STRING          URI of requested resource. If this is given, the URI
 *                       value in the Authentication header must match it.
 *   realm=STRING        Realm. Defaults to hostname.
 *   fakerealm=STRING    Fake realm. Used to force browsers to re-authenticate.
 *   opaque=STRING       Opaque string. Defaults to base64 encoded nonce value.
 *   qop=STRING          Quality of protection. Defaults to auth.
 *   entity-body=STRING  Message body for encryption and integrity checking.

 * Output a help message.
foreach (array(
) as $arg) {
  if (in_array($arg, $argv)) {
    exit('Usage: digest_md5.php [OPTIONS]...' . "\n" . "\n" . 'Options:' . "\n" . '  data=STRING         The contents of the Authentication header. A challenge' . "\n" . '                      will be issued if this is missing.' . "\n" . '  method=STRING       HTTP connection method. Defaults to AUTHENTICATE.' . "\n" . '  uri=STRING          URI of requested resource. If this is given, the URI' . "\n" . '                      value in the Authentication header must match it.' . "\n" . '  realm=STRING        Realm. Defaults to hostname.' . "\n" . '  fakerealm=STRING    Fake realm. Used to force browsers to re-authenticate.' . "\n" . '  opaque=STRING       Opaque string. Defaults to base64 encoded nonce value.' . "\n" . '  qop=STRING          Quality of protection. Defaults to auth.' . "\n" . '  entity-body=STRING  Message body for encryption and integrity checking.' . "\n" . "\n");

 * Exit status codes.
define('BAD_REQUEST', 1);
define('UNKNOWN_USER', 2);
define('WRONG_PASSWORD', 3);
define('REPLAY_ATTACK', 4);
define('STALE_NONCE', 5);
define('AUTHENTICATED', 0);

 * Get configuration file variables.
require 'digest_md5.conf.php';

 * Get command line variables.
$edit = array();
foreach ($argv as $arg) {
  list($key, $value) = explode('=', $arg, 2);
  $edit[$key] = trim($value);
$edit['method'] = isset($edit['method']) ? $edit['method'] : 'AUTHENTICATE';

 * Open a database connection.
$cwd = getcwd();
require "./includes/";
require_once "./includes/";

 * Remove expired nonce values.
$time = time();
$expire = isset($expire) ? $expire : 60;
if (!empty($expire)) {
  db_query("DELETE FROM {securesite_nonce} WHERE time < %d", $time - $expire);

 * Respond to authentication request.
if (isset($edit['data'])) {
  list($output, $status) = _digest_md5_response($edit);
  print "{$output}\n";
else {
  $nonce = uniqid();
  $uname = posix_uname();
  $edit['realm'] = isset($edit['realm']) ? $edit['realm'] : $uname['nodename'];
  $edit['fakerealm'] = isset($edit['fakerealm']) ? $edit['fakerealm'] : $edit['realm'];
  $qop = isset($edit['qop']) ? $edit['qop'] : 'auth';
  $values = array(
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'time' => $time,
    'realm' => $edit['realm'],
    'qop' => $qop,
  $values += isset($edit['entity-body']) ? array(
    'hash' => md5($edit['entity-body']),
  ) : array();
  $challenge = array(
    'realm="' . $edit['fakerealm'] . '"',
    'nonce="' . $nonce . '"',
    'qop="' . $qop . '"',
  if ($method != 'AUTHENTICATE') {
    $opaque = isset($edit['opaque']) ? $edit['opaque'] : base64_encode($nonce);
    $values['opaque'] = $opaque;
    $challenge[] = 'opaque="' . $opaque . '"';
  print _digest_md5_challenge(array(
    'values' => $values,
    'challenge' => $challenge,
    'new' => TRUE,
  )) . "\n";

 * Prepare a challenge.
 * @param $edit
 *   - values
 *   - fields
 *   - new
 * @return
 *   Digest challenge string.
function _digest_md5_challenge($edit) {
  if (isset($edit['values'])) {
    $types = array(
      'qop' => "'%s'",
      'nc' => '%d',
      'opaque' => "'%s'",
      'hash' => "'%s'",
      'time' => '%d',
      'nonce' => "'%s'",
      'realm' => "'%s'",
    foreach ($types as $field => $type) {
      if (!isset($edit['values'][$field])) {
      else {

        // Ensure that values appear in the same order as types.
        $values[$field] = $edit['values'][$field];
    if ($edit['new']) {
      db_query("INSERT INTO {securesite_nonce} (" . implode(', ', array_keys($values)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(', ', $types) . ")", $values);
    else {
      unset($types['nonce'], $types['realm']);
      $fields = array();
      foreach ($types as $field => $type) {
        $fields[] = "{$field} = {$type}";
      db_query("UPDATE {securesite_nonce} SET " . implode(', ', $fields) . " WHERE nonce = '%s' AND realm = '%s'", $values);
  if (isset($edit['challenge'])) {
    return implode(', ', $edit['challenge']);

 * Process an authentication string.
 * @param $edit
 *   - data*
 *   - method*
 *   - uri
 *   - realm (defaults to machine name if not in data)
 *   - entity-body
 * @return
 *   Authentication info string or new challenge if authentication failed.
function _digest_md5_response($edit) {
  global $time, $max_nc;

  // Get status.
  $fields = array();
  foreach (explode(',', trim($edit['data'])) as $part) {
    if (!empty($part)) {
      list($key, $value) = explode('=', trim($part), 2);
      $fields[$key] = trim($value, '"');
  $required = array(
  if (isset($fields['qop'])) {
    $required[] = 'cnonce';
    if ($edit['method'] != 'AUTHENTICATE') {
      $required[] = 'opaque';
    $required[] = 'nc';
  $uri = isset($edit['uri']) ? parse_url($edit['uri']) : NULL;
  $field_uri = isset($fields['uri']) ? parse_url($fields['uri']) : NULL;
  if (array_diff($required, array_keys($fields)) == array() && (!isset($edit['uri']) || $uri['path'] == $field_uri['path'])) {

    // Required fields are present and URI matches.
    $edit['realm'] = isset($edit['realm']) ? $edit['realm'] : $fields['realm'];
    $sn = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT qop, nc, opaque, hash FROM {securesite_nonce} WHERE nonce = '%s' AND realm = '%s'", $fields['nonce'], $edit['realm']));
    $pass = db_result(db_query("SELECT pass FROM {securesite_passwords} WHERE name = '%s' AND realm = '%s'", $fields['username'], $edit['realm']));
    if ($pass !== FALSE) {

      // Password exists for this user.
      $ha1 = md5("{$fields['username']}:{$fields['realm']}:{$pass}");
      if (isset($fields['qop'])) {

        // Generate digest with quality of protection.
        switch ($fields['qop']) {
          case 'auth-int':
            $ha2 = md5("{$edit['method']}:{$fields['uri']}:{$sn['hash']}");
          case 'auth':
            $ha2 = md5("{$edit['method']}:{$fields['uri']}");
        $digest = md5("{$ha1}:{$fields['nonce']}:{$fields['nc']}:{$fields['cnonce']}:{$fields['qop']}:{$ha2}");
      else {

        // Generate digest without quality of protection.
        $ha2 = md5("{$edit['method']}:{$fields['uri']}");
        $digest = md5("{$ha1}:{$fields['nonce']}:{$ha2}");
      if ($digest == $fields['response']) {

        // Response is valid.
        if ($sn === FALSE) {

          // Stale nonce; send new challenge with stale notice.
          $status = STALE_NONCE;
          $fields['nonce'] = uniqid();
        else {
          if (isset($fields['qop']) && in_array($fields['qop'], explode(',', $sn['qop'])) && $fields['opaque'] == $sn['opaque'] || !isset($fields['qop']) && !isset($fields['nc'])) {
            $dec_nc = isset($fields['qop']) ? hexdec($fields['nc']) : $sn['nc'] + 1;
            $max_nc = isset($max_nc) ? $max_nc : $dec_nc + 1;
            if ($dec_nc <= $sn['nc']) {

              // Replay attack; re-send challenge.
              $status = REPLAY_ATTACK;
            elseif ($dec_nc > $max_nc) {

              // Stale nonce; send new challenge with stale notice.
              $status = STALE_NONCE;
              db_query("DELETE FROM {securesite_nonce} WHERE nonce = '%s' AND realm = '%s'", $fields['nonce'], $edit['realm']);
              $fields['nonce'] = uniqid();
            else {

              // User authenticated; send response.
              $status = AUTHENTICATED;
          else {

            // Bad request; re-send challenge.
            $status = BAD_REQUEST;
      else {

        // Response is invalid; re-send challenge.
        $status = WRONG_PASSWORD;
    else {

      // Unknown user; re-send challenge.
      $status = UNKNOWN_USER;
  else {

    // Bad request; re-send challenge.
    $status = BAD_REQUEST;
    if (!isset($edit['realm']) && !isset($fields['realm'])) {
      $uname = posix_uname();
      $edit['realm'] = $fields['realm'] = $uname['nodename'];
    elseif (!isset($edit['realm']) && isset($fields['realm'])) {
      $edit['realm'] = $fields['realm'];
    elseif (isset($edit['realm']) && !isset($fields['realm'])) {
      $fields['realm'] = $edit['realm'];
    if (isset($fields['nonce'])) {
      $sn = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT qop, nc, opaque, hash FROM {securesite_nonce} WHERE nonce = '%s' AND realm = '%s'", $fields['nonce'], $edit['realm']));
    else {
      $fields['nonce'] = uniqid();

  // Create output.
  switch ($status) {
    case BAD_REQUEST:
    case UNKNOWN_USER:
    case STALE_NONCE:
      if (isset($sn) && $sn !== FALSE) {
        $fields['opaque'] = $sn['opaque'];
        $fields['qop'] = $sn['qop'];
      else {
        $fields['opaque'] = isset($fields['opaque']) ? $fields['opaque'] : base64_encode($fields['nonce']);
        $qop = isset($edit['entity-body']) ? 'auth,auth-int' : 'auth';
        $fields['qop'] = isset($fields['qop']) ? $fields['qop'] : $qop;
      $challenge = array(
        'realm="' . $fields['realm'] . '"',
        'nonce="' . $fields['nonce'] . '"',
        'qop="' . $fields['qop'] . '"',
        'opaque="' . $fields['opaque'] . '"',
      if ($status == 'stale') {
        $challenge[] = 'stale=true';
      if (!isset($sn) || $sn === FALSE) {
        $values = array(
          'nonce' => $fields['nonce'],
          'opaque' => $fields['opaque'],
          'time' => $time,
          'realm' => $edit['realm'],
          'qop' => $fields['qop'],
        $values += isset($edit['entity-body']) ? array(
          'hash' => md5($edit['entity-body']),
        ) : array();
        $output = _digest_md5_challenge(array(
          'values' => $values,
          'challenge' => $challenge,
          'new' => TRUE,
      else {
        $output = _digest_md5_challenge(array(
          'challenge' => $challenge,
          'new' => FALSE,
      $response = array();
      if ($dec_nc < $max_nc) {
        $values = array(
          'nonce' => $fields['nonce'],
          'time' => $time,
          'realm' => $edit['realm'],
        $values += isset($edit['entity-body']) ? array(
          'hash' => md5($edit['entity-body']),
        ) : array();
        $values += isset($fields['qop']) ? array(
          'nc' => $dec_nc,
        ) : array();
          'values' => $values,
          'new' => FALSE,
      else {
        db_query("DELETE FROM {securesite_nonce} WHERE nonce = '%s' AND realm = '%s'", $fields['nonce'], $edit['realm']);
        $nextnonce = uniqid();
        $values = array(
          'nonce' => $nextnonce,
          'opaque' => $fields['opaque'],
          'time' => $time,
          'realm' => $edit['realm'],
          'qop' => $fields['qop'],
        $values += isset($edit['entity-body']) ? array(
          'hash' => md5($edit['entity-body']),
        ) : array();
          'values' => $values,
          'new' => TRUE,
        $response[] = 'nextnonce="' . $nextnonce . '"';
      if (isset($fields['qop'])) {
        $response[] = 'qop=' . $fields['qop'];
        switch ($fields['qop']) {
          case 'auth-int':
            $response[] = 'cnonce="' . $fields['cnonce'] . '"';
            $response[] = 'nc="' . $fields['nc'] . '"';
            $ha2 = md5(":{$fields['uri']}:{$hash}");
          case 'auth':
            $response[] = 'cnonce="' . $fields['cnonce'] . '"';
            $response[] = 'nc=' . $fields['nc'];
            $ha2 = md5(":{$fields['uri']}");
            $ha2 = md5(":{$fields['uri']}");
        $digest = md5("{$ha1}:{$fields['nonce']}:{$fields['nc']}:{$fields['cnonce']}:{$fields['qop']}:{$ha2}");
      else {
        $digest = md5("{$ha1}:{$fields['nonce']}:" . md5(":{$fields['uri']}"));
      $response[] = 'rspauth="' . $digest . '"';
      $output = implode(', ', $response);
  return array(


Namesort descending Description
_digest_md5_challenge Prepare a challenge.
_digest_md5_response Process an authentication string.
