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function search_file_attachments_install in Search File Attachments 7

Implements hook_install().


./search_file_attachments.install, line 68
Module install


function search_file_attachments_install() {

  // Change the search_cron_limit variable to 10, so that cron doesn't
  // keep timing out.
  if (variable_get('search_cron_limit', 100) > 10) {
    variable_set('search_cron_limit', 10);
    $t = get_t();
    drupal_set_message($t('Your search cron limit, which limits the number of
      items searched per cron run, has been set to 10. If it had been left
      at the default 100 your cron job could potentially continously timeout.
      If you want to change this back you can do so <a href="!link">here</a>', array(
      '!link' => url('admin/config/search/settings'),