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function search_by_page_search_status in Search by Page 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 search_by_page.module \search_by_page_search_status()

Implements hook_search_status().


./search_by_page.module, line 437
Main module file for Drupal module Search by Page.


function search_by_page_search_status() {

  // Tell Search module how many items have been indexed, and how many not
  $total = \Drupal::database()
    ->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {search_by_page_path}')
  $remain = \Drupal::database()
    ->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {search_by_page_path} p WHERE p.last_index_time = 0')
  return [
    'remaining' => $remain,
    'total' => $total,