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11 calls to search_by_page_list_environments() in Search by Page 8

SearchByPageEnvironmentTest::setUp in tests/src/Functional/SearchByPageEnvironmentTest.php
SearchByPageTesterTest::setUpEnvironments in tests/src/Functional/SearchByPageTesterTest.php
Creates two environments for Search by Page.
search_by_page_admin_overview in ./search_by_page.module
Returns the admin overview page for module configuration.
search_by_page_admin_settings in ./search_by_page.module
Returns the admin settings page for a single search environment.
search_by_page_block_info in ./search_by_page.module
Implements hook_block_info().
search_by_page_force_reindex in ./search_by_page.module
Forces a page to be reindexed at the next cron run.
search_by_page_force_remove in ./search_by_page.module
Removes a page from Search by Page.
search_by_page_menu in ./search_by_page.module
Implements hook_menu().
search_by_page_permission in ./search_by_page.module
Implements hook_permission().
_search_by_page_rebuild_all_paths in ./search_by_page.module
Internal function: rebuilds the paths table for all modules.
_search_by_page_refresh_translations in ./search_by_page.module
Internal function: causes the base form of translations to refresh.