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public function SearchByPageTesterTest::setUpEnvironments in Search by Page 8

Creates two environments for Search by Page.

19 calls to SearchByPageTesterTest::setUpEnvironments()
SearchbyPageAttach2Test::setUp in tests/src/Functional/search_by_page.test
SearchbyPageAttachNotReadable::setUp in tests/src/Functional/search_by_page.test
SearchbyPageAttachReindexTest::setUp in tests/src/Functional/search_by_page.test
SearchByPageAttachTest::setUp in tests/src/Functional/search_by_page.test
SearchByPageEnvironmentTest::setUp in tests/src/Functional/SearchByPageEnvironmentTest.php

... See full list


tests/src/Functional/SearchByPageTesterTest.php, line 39
General Functional Tests for the Search by Page module. By Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare,


Base class for testing Search by Page.




public function setUpEnvironments() {
  $user = $this
    'administer search by page',
    'access administration pages',
    'administer site configuration',
    'administer search',

  // Content access permissions always need to be rebuilt for some reason.

  // Verify this module is active in Search.
  $active = \Drupal::state()
    ->get('search_active_modules', [
    ->assertTrue(in_array('search_by_page', $active));

  // Clear out any existing search environments that may have been defined.
  $envs = search_by_page_list_environments();
  foreach ($envs as $env) {
      ->invokeAll('search_by_page_delete_environment', $env);

  // Define two new environments. They should have ID numbers 1 and 2.
  $this->envinfo1 = [
    'environment_name' => 'env1',
    'set_as_default' => 1,
    'page_title' => t('Search page 1 title'),
    'block_title' => t('Search block 1 title'),
    'field_label' => t('Search field 1 label'),
    'button_label' => t('Search button 1 label'),
    'page_path' => 'search_path_1',
    'exclude_tags' => 'tagtoexclude',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/search/search_by_page/add', $this->envinfo1, 'Save configuration');
  $this->envid1 = 1;
  $this->envinfo2 = [
    'environment_name' => 'env2',
    'set_as_default' => 2,
    'page_title' => t('Search page 2 title'),
    'block_title' => t('Search block 2 title'),
    'field_label' => t('Search field 2 label'),
    'button_label' => t('Search button 2 label'),
    'page_path' => 'search_path_2',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/search/search_by_page/add', $this->envinfo2, 'Save configuration');
  $this->envid2 = 2;

  // Reset the permissions cache.