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function search_autocomplete_update_7300 in Search Autocomplete 7.3

Get ready for Search Autocomplete 7.3-x


./search_autocomplete.install, line 223
This file is used to install/update/delete the module tables in database


function search_autocomplete_update_7300(&$sandbox) {
  $ret = array();
  $num_deleted = db_drop_table('search_autocomplete_forms');
  $num_deleted &= db_drop_table('search_autocomplete_suggestions');
  db_create_table('search_autocomplete_forms', drupal_get_schema('search_autocomplete_forms', TRUE));
  return t('The update process is successfull.');

  // In case of an error, simply throw an exception with an error message.
  throw new DrupalUpdateException('Something went wrong. Please uninstall and install the module again.');
  return $ret;