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Functions in Search Autocomplete 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
search_autocomplete_autocomplete ./search_autocomplete.module Menu callback; autocomplete handler. Creates suggestions for autocompletion according to settings 1
search_autocomplete_form_add ./ MENU CALLBACK: Define the page to add a form. 1
search_autocomplete_form_add_submit ./ Implementation of hook_submit(). Save the new form in database
search_autocomplete_form_configure ./ MENU CALLBACK: Define the form to configure the suggestions. 1
search_autocomplete_form_configure_submit ./ Implementation of hook_submit(). Save the changes in the database
search_autocomplete_form_delete ./ Return the filter delete form. 1
search_autocomplete_form_delete_submit ./ Submission callback for the filter delete form.
search_autocomplete_help ./ Implements hook_help().
search_autocomplete_init ./search_autocomplete.module HOOK OF INIT: add autocomplete.js on everypage
search_autocomplete_install ./search_autocomplete.install Implementation of hook_install(). 1
search_autocomplete_menu ./ Implementation of hook_menu(). Create an administration page to access admin form
search_autocomplete_perm ./ Implementation of hook_perm(). Valid permissions for this module
search_autocomplete_replaceArguments ./search_autocomplete.module + * HELP FUNCTION: replace placeholders in the input string + * 1
search_autocomplete_schema ./search_autocomplete.install Implementation of hook_schema(). Set the schema of database
search_autocomplete_suggestion_configure ./ MENU CALLBACK: Define the page to configure a suggestion. 1 1
search_autocomplete_suggestion_configure_submit ./
search_autocomplete_suggestion_delete ./ Return the filter delete form. 1
search_autocomplete_suggestion_delete_submit ./ Submission callback for the filter delete form.
search_autocomplete_suggestion_new ./ MENU CALLBACK: Define the page to create a new suggestion. 1
search_autocomplete_suggestion_new_submit ./ Implementation of hook_submit(). Save the new form in database
search_autocomplete_theme ./ Implementation of hook_theme(). Define the function to render our forms
search_autocomplete_treelist_form ./ Menu Callback: create the form to list the searchforms 1
search_autocomplete_treelist_form_submit ./ Implementation of hook_submit(). Save the changes in the database
search_autocomplete_uninstall ./search_autocomplete.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
search_autocomplete_update_6200 ./search_autocomplete.install Get ready to version from 1.x to 2.0
search_autocomplete_update_6201 ./search_autocomplete.install Get ready for version 2.0-alpha1 to 2.1
search_autocomplete_update_6202 ./search_autocomplete.install Get ready for version 2.1 to 2.2
search_autocomplete_update_6203 ./search_autocomplete.install Get ready for version 2.2 to 2.3
search_autocomplete_update_6205 ./search_autocomplete.install Get ready for version 2.4 to 2.5
theme_search_autocomplete_form_configuration_fieldset ./ CALLBACK: Theme function for this treelist form
theme_search_autocomplete_treelist_form ./ CALLBACK: Theme function for this treelist form
_search_autocomplete_get_all_children ./ Helper function: get the array of fids every of his children of the caller but not caller fid. 1
_search_autocomplete_get_items ./ Helper function: get the forms from database and render them hierarchically return the items sorted 1
_search_autocomplete_get_ordered_list ./ HELPER: Returns a tree list of all items in the $items array that are children of the supplied parent, ordered appropriately 1
_search_autocomplete_sort_by_weight ./ HELPER: Usort function for sorting arrays by weight 1

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