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function theme_search_api_spellcheck in Search API Spellcheck 7

Outputs 'Did you mean:' spelling suggestions with links to the current search page with spelling improvements.


array $variables: An associative array containing:

  • spellcheck: SearchApiSpellcheckInterface instance
  • options: An associative array containing:
    • get: (optional) An array of query keys which should be spellchecked
    • arg: (optional) An array of Arg numbers which should be spellchecked

Return value

string HTML for spelling suggestions.

1 theme call to theme_search_api_spellcheck()
views_handler_area_spellcheck::render in views/
Render the area.


theme/, line 21
Theme functions for search_api_spellcheck module


function theme_search_api_spellcheck($variables) {
  $options = $variables['options'];
  $spellcheck = $variables['spellcheck'];
  $suggestion_links = array();
  if (isset($options['get'])) {
    foreach ($options['get'] as $get) {
      if ($link = $spellcheck
        ->getSuggestionLinkForGet($get)) {
        $suggestion_links[] = $link;
  if (isset($options['arg'])) {
    foreach ($options['arg'] as $arg) {
      if ($link = $spellcheck
        ->getSuggestionLinkForArg($arg)) {
        $suggestion_links[] = $link;
  switch (count($suggestion_links)) {
    case 0:

      // return nothing if there arn't any suggestions
      return '';
    case 1:

      // A single spell suggestion can be displayed in a sentance.
      $variables = array(
        'suggestion' => $suggestion_links[0],
      return theme('search_api_spellcheck_single_suggestion', $variables);

      // multiple suggestions can be formated as a list
      $variables = array(
        'suggestions' => $suggestion_links,
      return theme('search_api_spellcheck_multiple_suggestions', $variables);