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SolrDocument.php in Search API Solr 4.x


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namespace Drupal\search_api_solr\Plugin\DataType;

use Drupal\Core\TypedData\ComplexDataInterface;
use Drupal\Core\TypedData\Exception\MissingDataException;
use Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedData;
use Drupal\search_api\Item\ItemInterface;
use Drupal\search_api_solr\TypedData\SolrDocumentDefinition;
use Solarium\Core\Query\DocumentInterface;

 * Defines the "Solr document" data type.
 * Instances of this class wrap Search API Item objects and allow to deal with
 * items based upon the Typed Data API.
 * @DataType(
 *   id = "solr_document",
 *   label = @Translation("Solr document"),
 *   description = @Translation("Records from a Solr index."),
 *   deriver = "\Drupal\search_api_solr\Plugin\DataType\Deriver\SolrDocumentDeriver",
 *   definition_class = "\Drupal\search_api_solr\TypedData\SolrDocumentDefinition"
 * )
class SolrDocument extends TypedData implements \IteratorAggregate, ComplexDataInterface {

   * Field name.
   * @var string
  protected $solrField = 'solr_field';

   * Document name.
   * @var string
  protected $solrDocument = 'solr_document';

   * The wrapped Search API Item.
   * @var \Drupal\search_api\Item\ItemInterface|null
  protected $item;

   * Creates an instance wrapping the given Item.
   * @param \Drupal\search_api\Item\ItemInterface|null $item
   *   The Item object to wrap.
   * @return static
  public static function createFromItem(ItemInterface $item) {
    $definition = SolrDocumentDefinition::create($item
    $instance = new static($definition);
    return $instance;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getValue() {
    return $this->item;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setValue($item, $notify = TRUE) {
    $this->item = $item;

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Exception\ReadOnlyException
  public function get($property_name) {
    if (!isset($this->item)) {
      throw new MissingDataException("Unable to get Solr field {$property_name} as no item has been provided.");

    // First, verify that this field actually exists in the Solr server. If we
    // can't get a definition for it, it doesn't exist.

    /** @var \Drupal\search_api_solr\Plugin\DataType\SolrField $plugin */
    $plugin = \Drupal::typedDataManager()
    $field_manager = \Drupal::getContainer()
      ->get($this->solrField . '.manager');
    $fields = $field_manager
    if (empty($fields[$property_name])) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The Solr field {$property_name} could not be found on the server.");

    // Create a new typed data object from the item's field data.
    $property = $plugin::createInstance($fields[$property_name], $property_name, $this);

    // Now that we have the property, try to find its values. We first look at
    // the field values contained in the result item.
    $found = FALSE;
    foreach ($this->item
      ->getFields(FALSE) as $field) {
      if ($field
        ->getDatasourceId() === $this->solrDocument && $field
        ->getPropertyPath() === $property_name) {
        $found = TRUE;
    if (!$found) {

      // If that didn't work, maybe we can get the field from the Solr document?
      $document = $this->item
      if ($document instanceof DocumentInterface && isset($document[$property_name])) {
    return $property;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function set($property_name, $value, $notify = TRUE) {

    // Do nothing because we treat Solr documents as read-only.
    return $this;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getProperties($include_computed = FALSE) {

    // @todo Implement this.

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function toArray() {

    // @todo Implement this.

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function isEmpty() {
    return !isset($this->item);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function onChange($name) {

    // Do nothing.  Unlike content entities, Items don't need to be notified of
    // changes.

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getIterator() {
    return isset($this->item) ? $this->item
      ->getIterator() : new \ArrayIterator([]);



Namesort descending Description
SolrDocument Defines the "Solr document" data type.