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public function SearchApiSolrConnectionInterface::addDocuments in Search API Solr 7

Adds an array of Solr Documents to the index all at once


array $documents: Should be an array of ApacheSolrDocument instances

bool $overwrite: (optional) Set whether existing documents with the same IDs should be overwritten. Defaults to TRUE.

bool $commitWithin: (optional) The time in which the indexed documents should be committed to the index, in milliseconds. This works in addition to the Solr server's auto commit settings. Defaults to no additional handling.

Return value

object A response object.


SearchApiException If an error occurs during the service call.

1 method overrides SearchApiSolrConnectionInterface::addDocuments()
SearchApiSolrConnection::addDocuments in includes/
Adds an array of Solr Documents to the index all at once


includes/, line 190


The interface for a Solr connection class.


public function addDocuments(array $documents, $overwrite = NULL, $commitWithin = NULL);