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function search_api_saved_searches_get_searches_to_be_executed in Search API Saved Searches 7

Retrieves the saved searches that need to be executed.


string|int|null $settings_id: (optional) The ID or delta of the saved search settings entity for which to retrieve searches. NULL to retrieve for all.

Return value

int[] The IDs of all searches that need to be executed.

2 calls to search_api_saved_searches_get_searches_to_be_executed()
search_api_saved_searches_cron in ./search_api_saved_searches.module
Implements hook_cron().
search_api_saved_searches_rules_index_results in ./
Callback: Implements the "Fetch the saved searches" rules action.


./search_api_saved_searches.module, line 1223
Offers the ability to save searches and be notified of new results.


function search_api_saved_searches_get_searches_to_be_executed($settings_id = NULL) {

  // Get all searches whose last execution lies more than the notify_interval
  // in the past. Add a small amount to the current time, so small differences
  // in execution time don't result in a delay until the next cron run.
  $select = db_select('search_api_saved_search', 's');
    ->fields('s', array(
    ->condition('enabled', 1)
    ->condition('notify_interval', 0, '>=')
    ->where('last_execute >= last_queued')
    ->where('last_queued + notify_interval < :time', array(
    ':time' => REQUEST_TIME + 15,
    ->range(0, variable_get('search_api_saved_searches_load_max', 500));
  if ($settings_id !== NULL) {

    // The {search_api_saved_search} table stores the setting as a machine name.
    // If the caller passed a numeric ID, we need to convert it.
    if (is_numeric($settings_id)) {
      $sql = 'SELECT delta FROM {search_api_saved_searches_settings} WHERE id = :id';
      $settings_id = db_query($sql, array(
        ':id' => $settings_id,
      if ($settings_id === FALSE) {
        return array();
      ->condition('settings_id', $settings_id);
  return $select