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search-api-page-result.tpl.php in Search API Pages 7

Default theme implementation for displaying a single search result.

This template renders a single search result and is collected into search-api-page-results.tpl.php. This and the parent template are dependent on one another, sharing the markup for definition lists.

View mode is set in the Search page settings. If you select "Themed as search results", then this template will be used for theming the individual results. Any other view mode will bypass this template.

Available variables:

  • $index: The search index this search is based on.
  • $url: URL of the result.
  • $title: Title of the result (unsanitized).
  • $snippet: A small preview of the result.
  • $info: String of all the meta information ready for print. Applies only if the result is a node.
  • $info_split: Contains same data as $info, split into a keyed array.
  • $classes: CSS classes for this list element.

Default keys within $info_split:

  • $info_split['user']: Author of the entity, where an author exists. Depends on permission.
  • $info_split['date']: Last update of the entity, if the 'updated' field exists. Short formatted.

Since $info_split is keyed, a direct print of the item is possible. This array applies where the search result is a node, so it is recommended to check for its existence before printing. Where the result is a node, the default keys of 'user' and 'date' will always exist.

To check for all available data within $info_split, use the code below.

  <?php print '<pre>'. check_plain(print_r($info_split, 1)) .'</pre>'; ?>


View source

 * @file
 * Default theme implementation for displaying a single search result.
 * This template renders a single search result and is collected into
 * search-api-page-results.tpl.php. This and the parent template are dependent
 * on one another, sharing the markup for definition lists.
 * View mode is set in the Search page settings. If you select
 * "Themed as search results", then this template will be used for theming the
 * individual results. Any other view mode will bypass this template.
 * Available variables:
 * - $index: The search index this search is based on.
 * - $url: URL of the result.
 * - $title: Title of the result (unsanitized).
 * - $snippet: A small preview of the result.
 * - $info: String of all the meta information ready for print. Applies
 *   only if the result is a node.
 * - $info_split: Contains same data as $info, split into a keyed array.
 * - $classes: CSS classes for this list element.
 * Default keys within $info_split:
 * - $info_split['user']: Author of the entity, where an author exists.
 *   Depends on permission.
 * - $info_split['date']: Last update of the entity, if the 'updated'
 *   field exists. Short formatted.
 * Since $info_split is keyed, a direct print of the item is possible.
 * This array applies where the search result is a node, so it is
 * recommended to check for its existence before printing.
 * Where the result is a node, the default keys of 'user' and 'date'
 * will always exist.
 * To check for all available data within $info_split, use the code below.
 * @code
 *   <?php print '<pre>'. check_plain(print_r($info_split, 1)) .'</pre>'; ?>
 * @endcode
 * @see template_preprocess_search_api_page_result()
<li class="search-result">
  <h3 class="title">

print $url ? l($title, $url['path'], $url['options']) : check_plain($title);
  <div class="search-snippet-info">

if ($snippet) {
      <p class="search-snippet"><?php

  print $snippet;


if ($info) {
      <p class="search-info"><?php

  print $info;
