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search-api-page-results.tpl.php in Search API Pages 7

Default theme implementation for displaying search results.

This template collects each invocation of theme_search_result(). This and the child template are dependent on one another, sharing the markup for definition lists.

Note that modules and themes may implement their own search type and theme function completely bypassing this template.

Available variables:

  • $index: The search index this search is based on.
  • $result_count: Number of results.
  • $spellcheck: Possible spelling suggestions from Search spellcheck module.
  • $search_results: All results rendered as list items in a single HTML string.
  • $items: All results as it is rendered through search-result.tpl.php.
  • $search_performance: The number of results and how long the query took.
  • $sec: The number of seconds it took to run the query.
  • $pager: Row of control buttons for navigating between pages of results.
  • $keys: The keywords of the executed search.
  • $classes: String of CSS classes for search results.
  • $page: The current Search API Page object.
  • $no_results_help: Help text to display under the header if no results were found.

View mode is set in the Search page settings. If you select "Themed as search results", then the child template will be used for theming the individual result. Any other view mode will bypass the child template.


View source

 * @file
 * Default theme implementation for displaying search results.
 * This template collects each invocation of theme_search_result(). This and the
 * child template are dependent on one another, sharing the markup for
 * definition lists.
 * Note that modules and themes may implement their own search type and theme
 * function completely bypassing this template.
 * Available variables:
 * - $index: The search index this search is based on.
 * - $result_count: Number of results.
 * - $spellcheck: Possible spelling suggestions from Search spellcheck module.
 * - $search_results: All results rendered as list items in a single HTML
 *   string.
 * - $items: All results as it is rendered through search-result.tpl.php.
 * - $search_performance: The number of results and how long the query took.
 * - $sec: The number of seconds it took to run the query.
 * - $pager: Row of control buttons for navigating between pages of results.
 * - $keys: The keywords of the executed search.
 * - $classes: String of CSS classes for search results.
 * - $page: The current Search API Page object.
 * - $no_results_help: Help text to display under the header if no results were
 *   found.
 * View mode is set in the Search page settings. If you select
 * "Themed as search results", then the child template will be used for
 * theming the individual result. Any other view mode will bypass the
 * child template.
 * @see template_preprocess_search_api_page_results()
<div class="<?php

print $classes;

if ($result_count) {

  print render($search_performance);


print render($spellcheck);

if ($result_count) {

  print t('Search results');
    <ol class="search-results">

  print render($search_results);

  print render($pager);

else {

  print t('Your search yielded no results.');

  print $no_results_help;
