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function hook_search_api_location_input_info_alter in Search API Location 8

Alter the available location input plugins.

Modules may implement this hook to alter the information that defines location inputs. All properties that are available in Drupal\search_api_location\Annotation\LocationInput can be altered here, with the addition of the "class" and "provider" keys.


array $infos: The location input info array, keyed by input IDs.

See also


1 invocation of hook_search_api_location_input_info_alter()
LocationInputPluginManager::__construct in src/LocationInput/LocationInputPluginManager.php
Creates the discovery object.


./search_api_location.api.php, line 26
Hooks provided by the Search API Location module.


function hook_search_api_location_input_info_alter(array &$infos) {
  $infos['geocode_map']['label'] = t('A complete different description');