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function search_api_et_languages in Search API Entity Translation 7.2

Returns list of languages available/enabled on the site.


bool $enabled_only: A boolean indicating whether to include all languages added to the site or only those enabled.

bool $include_neutral: A boolean indicating whether to add the neutral language (LANGUAGE_NONE) to the language list.

Return value

array An array with language codes as keys and language names as values.

See also


2 calls to search_api_et_languages()
search_api_et_form_search_api_admin_index_edit_alter in ./search_api_et.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for search_api_admin_index_edit().
search_api_et_item_languages_all in ./
Get all enabled language for the site.


./search_api_et.module, line 231
Adds Entity Translation support to the Search API.


function search_api_et_languages($enabled_only = FALSE, $include_neutral = TRUE) {
  $languages = array();
  if ($include_neutral) {
    $languages[LANGUAGE_NONE] = t('Language neutral');
  $list = language_list();
  foreach ($list as $lang) {
    if ($enabled_only && !$lang->enabled) {
    $name = t($lang->name);
    $native = $lang->native;
    $languages[$lang->language] = $name == $native ? $name : $name . ' (' . $native . ')';
    if (!$enabled_only && !$lang->enabled) {
      $languages[$lang->language] .= ' [' . t('disabled') . ']';
  return $languages;