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function search_api_et_item_languages in Search API Entity Translation 7.2

Determines the languages that are available for an entity in a certain index.


object $entity: The entity for which languages should be determined.

string $entity_type: The entity type of the entity.

SearchApiIndex $index: The index whose settings should be used for determining the languages.

Return value

array An array of language codes for the languages that are available.

2 calls to search_api_et_item_languages()
SearchApiEtDatasourceController::getTrackableItemIds in includes/SearchApiEtDatasourceController.php
Retrieves all Item IDs from the given index, filtered by the Entity IDs.
search_api_et_batch_queue_entities in ./
Batch API callback for the item queueing functionality.


./search_api_et.module, line 267
Adds Entity Translation support to the Search API.


function search_api_et_item_languages($entity, $entity_type, SearchApiIndex $index) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'search_api_et');
  $settings = search_api_et_get_index_settings($index);
  switch ($settings['include']) {
    case 'all':
      $languages = search_api_et_item_languages_all();
    case 'complete':
      $languages = search_api_et_item_languages_complete($entity, $entity_type);
    case 'incomplete':
      $languages = search_api_et_item_languages_entity($entity, $entity_type);

  // Removing the LANGUAGE_NONE from the available translations, if the original
  // entity is not translated, or if we are adding all the enabled languages to
  // the index.
  if (TRUE == $settings['restrict undefined']) {
    $language = entity_language($entity_type, $entity);
    if ($language != LANGUAGE_NONE || $settings['include'] == 'all') {

      // $languages is an array, flipping to easily remove the LANGUAGE_NONE item.
      $languages = array_flip($languages);
      $languages = array_keys($languages);
  return $languages;