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function example_form_example_search_form_alter in Search API Autocomplete 7

Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().

Alters the example_search_form form to add autocompletion, if enabled by the user.


./search_api_autocomplete.api.php, line 418
Hooks provided by the Search API autocomplete module.


function example_form_example_search_form_alter(array &$form, array &$form_state) {

  // Compute the machine name that would be generated for this search in the
  // 'list searches' callback.
  $search_id = 'example_' . $form_state['search id'];

  // Look up the corresponding autocompletion configuration, if it exists.
  $search = search_api_autocomplete_search_load($search_id);

  // Check whether autocompletion for the search is enabled.
  // (This is also checked automatically later, so could be skipped here.)
  if (!empty($search->enabled)) {

    // If it is, pass the textfield for the search keywords to the
    // alterElement() method of the search object.