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function template_preprocess_search_api_admin_data_type_table in Search API 8

Prepares variables for search_api_admin_data_type_table form templates.

Default template: search-api-admin-data-type-table.html.twig.


array &$variables: An associative array containing:

  • data_types: An associative array of data types, keyed by data type ID and containing associative arrays with information about the data type:

    • label: The (translated) human-readable label for the data type.
    • description: The (translated) description of the data type.
    • fallback: The type ID of the fallback type.
  • fallback_mapping: array of fallback data types for unsupported data types.
  • table: The data types table.


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Defines theme functions for the Search API module.


function template_preprocess_search_api_admin_data_type_table(array &$variables) {
  $data_types = $variables['data_types'];
  $fallback_mapping = $variables['fallback_mapping'];
  $header = [
    t('Data Type'),

  // Only show the column with fallback types if there is actually an
  // unsupported type listed.
  if ($fallback_mapping) {
    $header[] = t('Fallback data type');
  $rows = [];
  $yes = t('Yes');
  $yes_img = 'core/misc/icons/73b355/check.svg';
  $no = t('No');
  $no_img = 'core/misc/icons/e32700/error.svg';
  foreach ($data_types as $data_type_id => $data_type) {
    $has_fallback = isset($fallback_mapping[$data_type_id]);
    $supported_label = $has_fallback ? $no : $yes;
    $supported_icon = [
      '#theme' => 'image',
      '#uri' => $has_fallback ? $no_img : $yes_img,
      '#width' => 18,
      '#height' => 18,
      '#alt' => $supported_label,
      '#title' => $supported_label,
    $row = [
        'data' => $supported_icon,
    if ($fallback_mapping) {
      $row[] = $has_fallback ? $data_types[$data_type['fallback']]['label'] : '';
    $rows[] = $row;
  $variables['table'] = [
    '#theme' => 'table',
    '#header' => $header,
    '#rows' => $rows,