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protected function SearchApiUnitTest::assertEqual in Search API 7

Overrides DrupalTestCase::assertEqual().

For arrays, checks whether all array keys are mapped the same in both arrays recursively, while ignoring their order.

Overrides DrupalTestCase::assertEqual

5 calls to SearchApiUnitTest::assertEqual()
SearchApiUnitTest::checkEntityDatasource in ./search_api.test
Tests the entity datasource controller and its bundle setting.
SearchApiUnitTest::checkHtmlFilter in ./search_api.test
Tests the functionality of the "HTML filter" processor.
SearchApiUnitTest::checkIgnoreCaseProcessor in ./search_api.test
Tests the functionality of the "Ignore case" processor.
SearchApiUnitTest::checkQueryParseKeys in ./search_api.test
Checks whether the keys are parsed correctly by the query class.
SearchApiUnitTest::checkTokenizer in ./search_api.test
Tests the functionality of the "Tokenizer" processor.


./search_api.test, line 778
Contains the SearchApiWebTest and the SearchApiUnitTest classes.


Class with unit tests testing small fragments of the Search API.


protected function assertEqual($first, $second, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
  if (is_array($first) && is_array($second)) {
    return $this
      ->deepEquals($first, $second), $message, $group);
  else {
    return parent::assertEqual($first, $second, $message, $group);