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7 calls to search_api_is_text_type() in Search API 7

SearchApiAbstractProcessor::testType in includes/
Determines whether fields of the given type should normally be processed.
SearchApiIndex::getFulltextFields in includes/
Convenience method for getting all of this index's fulltext fields.
SearchApiQuery::sort in includes/
Adds a sort directive to this search query.
SearchApiTokenizer::configurationForm in includes/
Display a form for configuring this processor. Since forcing users to specify options for disabled processors makes no sense, none of the form elements should have the '#required' attribute set.
search_api_admin_index_workflow_submit in ./
Form submission handler for search_api_admin_index_workflow().
search_api_extract_fields in ./search_api.module
Extracts specific field values from an EntityMetadataWrapper object.
search_api_update_7107 in ./search_api.install
Initialize the "Fields to run on" settings for processors.