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protected function SearchApiPorter2::charAt in Search API 7

Retrieves the character at the given position.


int $position: The 0-based index of the character. If a negative number is given, the position is counted from the end of the string.

string|null $word: (optional) The word from which to retrieve the character. Defaults to $this->word.

Return value

string The character at the given position, or an empty string if the given position was illegal.

4 calls to SearchApiPorter2::charAt()
SearchApiPorter2::isVowel in includes/
Checks whether a character is a vowel.
SearchApiPorter2::step2 in includes/
Implements step 2 of the Porter2 algorithm.
SearchApiPorter2::step4 in includes/
Implements step 4 of the Porter2 algorithm.
SearchApiPorter2::step5 in includes/
Implements step 5 of the Porter2 algorithm.


includes/, line 512
Contains SearchApiPorterStemmer and SearchApiPorter2.


Implements the Porter2 stemming algorithm.


protected function charAt($position, $word = NULL) {
  if ($word === NULL) {
    $word = $this->word;
  $length = strlen($word);
  if (abs($position) >= $length) {
    return '';
  if ($position < 0) {
    $position += $length;
  return $word[$position];