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public function SearchApiIndex::preprocessIndexItems in Search API 7

Preprocess data items for indexing. Data added by data alter callbacks will be available on the items.

Typically, a preprocessor will execute its preprocessing (e.g. stemming, n-grams, word splitting, stripping stop words, etc.) only on the items' fulltext fields. Other fields should usually be left untouched.


array $items: An array of items to be preprocessed for indexing.

Return value

SearchApiIndex The called object.

1 call to SearchApiIndex::preprocessIndexItems()
SearchApiIndex::index in includes/
Indexes items on this index.


includes/, line 681
Contains SearchApiIndex.


Class representing a search index.


public function preprocessIndexItems(array &$items) {
  foreach ($this
    ->getProcessors() as $processor) {
  return $this;