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public function SearchApiCombinedEntityDataSourceController::configurationForm in Search API 7

Form constructor for configuring the datasource for a given index.


array $form: The form returned by configurationForm().

array $form_state: The form state. $form_state['index'] will contain the edited index. If this key is empty, then a new index is being created. In case of an edit, $form_state['index']->options['datasource'] contains the previous settings for the datasource.

Return value

array|false A form array for configuring this callback, or FALSE if no configuration is possible.

Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::configurationForm


includes/, line 253
Contains SearchApiCombinedEntityDataSourceController.


Provides a datasource for indexing multiple types of entities.


public function configurationForm(array $form, array &$form_state) {
  $form['types'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#title' => t('Entity types'),
    '#description' => t('Select the entity types which should be included in this index.'),
    '#options' => array_map('check_plain', search_api_entity_type_options_list()),
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
    '#disabled' => !empty($form_state['index']),
    '#required' => TRUE,
  if (!empty($form_state['index']->options['datasource']['types'])) {
    $form['types']['#default_value'] = $this
  return $form;