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protected function SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterEntity::isMultiValued in Search API 7

Determines whether multiple user names can be entered into this filter.

This is either the case if the form isn't exposed, or if the " Allow multiple selections" option is enabled.


array $options: (optional) The options array to use. If not supplied, the options set on this filter will be used.

Return value

bool TRUE if multiple values can be entered for this filter, FALSE otherwise.

4 calls to SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterEntity::isMultiValued()
SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterEntity::exposed_validate in contrib/search_api_views/includes/
Validate the exposed handler form.
SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterEntity::operator_options in contrib/search_api_views/includes/
Provide a list of options for the operator form.
SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterEntity::value_validate in contrib/search_api_views/includes/
Validate the options form.
SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterUser::value_form in contrib/search_api_views/includes/
Provide a form for setting the filter value.


contrib/search_api_views/includes/, line 162
Contains SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterEntity.


Views filter handler class for entities.


protected function isMultiValued(array $options = array()) {
  $options = $options ? $options : $this->options;
  return empty($options['exposed']) || !empty($options['expose']['multiple']);