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public function SearchApiViewsHandlerFilter::operator_options in Search API 7

Provide a list of options for the operator form.

Overrides views_handler_filter::operator_options

1 call to SearchApiViewsHandlerFilter::operator_options()
SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterNumeric::operator_options in contrib/search_api_views/includes/
Provide a list of options for the operator form.
5 methods override SearchApiViewsHandlerFilter::operator_options()
SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterBoolean::operator_options in contrib/search_api_views/includes/
Provide a list of options for the operator form.
SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterEntity::operator_options in contrib/search_api_views/includes/
Provide a list of options for the operator form.
SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterNumeric::operator_options in contrib/search_api_views/includes/
Provide a list of options for the operator form.
SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterOptions::operator_options in contrib/search_api_views/includes/
Provide a list of options for the operator form.
SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterText::operator_options in contrib/search_api_views/includes/
Provide a list of options for the operator form.


contrib/search_api_views/includes/, line 37
Contains SearchApiViewsHandlerFilter.


Views filter handler base class for handling all "normal" cases.


public function operator_options() {
  return array(
    '<' => t('Is less than'),
    '<=' => t('Is less than or equal to'),
    '=' => t('Is equal to'),
    '<>' => t('Is not equal to'),
    '>=' => t('Is greater than or equal to'),
    '>' => t('Is greater than'),
    'empty' => t('Is empty'),
    'not empty' => t('Is not empty'),