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function _scheduler_form_alter in Scheduler 7

Helper function that does all the work for the real hook_form_alter().

See also


1 call to _scheduler_form_alter()
scheduler_form_alter in ./scheduler.module
Implements hook_form_alter().


./, line 16
Scheduler node edit functions.


function _scheduler_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
  $publishing_enabled = variable_get('scheduler_publish_enable_' . $form['type']['#value'], 0) == 1;
  $unpublishing_enabled = variable_get('scheduler_unpublish_enable_' . $form['type']['#value'], 0) == 1;
  $date_format = variable_get('scheduler_date_format', SCHEDULER_DATE_FORMAT);
  $date_only_format = variable_get('scheduler_date_only_format', SCHEDULER_DATE_ONLY_FORMAT);
  $time_only_format = variable_get('scheduler_time_only_format', SCHEDULER_TIME_ONLY_FORMAT);
  $date_only_allowed = variable_get('scheduler_allow_date_only', FALSE);
  $use_date_popup = _scheduler_use_date_popup();
  $internal_date_format = $use_date_popup ? SCHEDULER_DATE_FORMAT : $date_format;
  $node = $form['#node'];

  // If this is a preview then get the values from the form, not the
  // database.
  if (isset($form_state['values']['op']) && $form_state['values']['op'] == t('Preview')) {
    $defaults = new stdClass();
    $defaults->publish_on = $publishing_enabled ? $form_state['values']['publish_on'] : NULL;
    $defaults->unpublish_on = $unpublishing_enabled ? $form_state['values']['unpublish_on'] : NULL;
  elseif (isset($node->nid) && $node->nid > 0) {

    // Load the values from the database if we are viewing an existing node.
    $query = db_select('scheduler', 's');
      ->fields('s', array(
      ->condition('s.nid', $node->nid, '=');
    $defaults = $query
  else {

    // Initialise standard values.
    $defaults = new stdClass();

    // Respect presets added by functions like
    // scheduler_field_attach_prepare_translation_alter().
    $defaults->publish_on = isset($node->publish_on) ? $node->publish_on : NULL;
    $defaults->unpublish_on = isset($node->unpublish_on) ? $node->unpublish_on : NULL;

  // If there is a text value then convert it to a Unix timestamp.
  if (isset($defaults->publish_on) && $defaults->publish_on && !is_numeric($defaults->publish_on)) {
    $defaults->publish_on = _scheduler_strtotime($defaults->publish_on);
  if (isset($defaults->unpublish_on) && $defaults->unpublish_on && !is_numeric($defaults->unpublish_on)) {
    $defaults->unpublish_on = _scheduler_strtotime($defaults->unpublish_on);

  // A publish_on date is required if the content type option is set and the
  // node is being created or it currently has a scheduled publishing date.
  $publishing_required = variable_get('scheduler_publish_required_' . $form['type']['#value'], 0) == 1 && (empty($node->nid) || $node->status == 0 && !empty($node->publish_on));

  // An unpublish_on date is required if the content type option is set and
  // the node is being created or the current status is published or the
  // node is scheduled to be published.
  $unpublishing_required = variable_get('scheduler_unpublish_required_' . $form['type']['#value'], 0) == 1 && (empty($node->nid) || $node->status == 1 || !empty($node->publish_on));
  $use_vertical_tabs = variable_get('scheduler_use_vertical_tabs_' . $form['type']['#value'], 1);
  $fieldset_extended = isset($defaults->publish_on) && $defaults->publish_on != 0 || isset($defaults->unpublish_on) && $defaults->unpublish_on != 0 || $publishing_required || $unpublishing_required || variable_get('scheduler_expand_fieldset_' . $form['type']['#value'], 0);
  $form['scheduler_settings'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Scheduling options'),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => !$fieldset_extended,
    '#weight' => 35,

  // Add Scheduler settings to Vertical Tabs group and attach the javascript.
  if ($use_vertical_tabs) {
    $form['scheduler_settings']['#group'] = 'additional_settings';
    $form['scheduler_settings']['#attached']['js'][] = _scheduler_get_vertical_tabs_js();
  $extra_info = variable_get('scheduler_extra_info', '');
  if ($extra_info && $extra_info != '') {
    $form['scheduler_settings']['extra_info'] = array(
      '#type' => 'item',
      '#markup' => filter_xss_admin($extra_info),

  // Define the descriptions depending on whether the time can be skipped.
  $descriptions = array();
  if ($date_only_allowed && $date_only_format != $date_format) {
    $descriptions['format'] = t('Format: %date_only_format or %standard_format.', array(
      '%date_only_format' => format_date(time(), 'custom', $date_only_format),
      '%standard_format' => format_date(time(), 'custom', $date_format),
  else {
    $descriptions['format'] = t('Format: %standard_format.', array(
      '%standard_format' => format_date(time(), 'custom', $date_format),

  // Show the default time so users know what they will get if they do not
  // enter a time.
  if ($date_only_allowed) {
    $default_time = strtotime(variable_get('scheduler_default_time', SCHEDULER_DEFAULT_TIME));
    $descriptions['default'] = t('The default time is @default_time.', array(
      '@default_time' => format_date($default_time, 'custom', $time_only_format ? $time_only_format : SCHEDULER_TIME_ONLY_FORMAT),
  if ($publishing_enabled) {
    if (!$publishing_required) {
      $descriptions['blank'] = t('Leave the date blank for no scheduled publishing.');
    $form['scheduler_settings']['publish_on'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Publish on'),
      '#maxlength' => 30,
      '#required' => $publishing_required,
      '#default_value' => isset($defaults->publish_on) && $defaults->publish_on ? format_date($defaults->publish_on, 'custom', $internal_date_format) : '',
      '#description' => filter_xss(implode(' ', $descriptions)),
      '#value_callback' => 'scheduler_date_value_callback',
    if ($use_date_popup) {

      // Make this a popup calendar widget.
      $form['scheduler_settings']['publish_on']['#type'] = 'date_popup';
      $form['scheduler_settings']['publish_on']['#date_format'] = $date_format;
      $form['scheduler_settings']['publish_on']['#date_year_range'] = '0:+10';
      $form['scheduler_settings']['publish_on']['#date_increment'] = variable_get('scheduler_date_popup_minute_increment', 1);
      $form['scheduler_settings']['publish_on']['#description'] = filter_xss(implode(' ', $descriptions));
  if ($unpublishing_enabled) {
    if (!$unpublishing_required) {
      $descriptions['blank'] = t('Leave the date blank for no scheduled unpublishing.');
    else {
    $form['scheduler_settings']['unpublish_on'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Unpublish on'),
      '#maxlength' => 30,
      '#required' => $unpublishing_required,
      '#default_value' => isset($defaults->unpublish_on) && $defaults->unpublish_on ? format_date($defaults->unpublish_on, 'custom', $internal_date_format) : '',
      '#description' => filter_xss(implode(' ', $descriptions)),
      '#value_callback' => 'scheduler_date_value_callback',
    if ($use_date_popup) {

      // Make this a popup calendar widget.
      $form['scheduler_settings']['unpublish_on']['#type'] = 'date_popup';
      $form['scheduler_settings']['unpublish_on']['#date_format'] = $date_format;
      $form['scheduler_settings']['unpublish_on']['#date_year_range'] = '0:+10';
      $form['scheduler_settings']['unpublish_on']['#date_increment'] = variable_get('scheduler_date_popup_minute_increment', 1);
      $form['scheduler_settings']['unpublish_on']['#description'] = filter_xss(implode(' ', $descriptions));