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interface ScheduledTransitionsRunnerInterface in Scheduled Transitions 2.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/ScheduledTransitionsRunnerInterface.php \Drupal\scheduled_transitions\ScheduledTransitionsRunnerInterface

Interface for transition executor.


Expanded class hierarchy of ScheduledTransitionsRunnerInterface

All classes that implement ScheduledTransitionsRunnerInterface

1 file declares its use of ScheduledTransitionsRunnerInterface
ScheduledTransitionJob.php in src/Plugin/QueueWorker/ScheduledTransitionJob.php


src/ScheduledTransitionsRunnerInterface.php, line 12


View source
interface ScheduledTransitionsRunnerInterface {

   * Executes a transition.
   * Ignores transition time as it is already checked by job runner.
   * Pass a transition that should be run. This method is responsible for
   * loading latest and the new revision, then delegating saving new revision,
   * and any intermediate revisions if applicable. The transition may also be
   * deleted depending on settings.
   * @param \Drupal\scheduled_transitions\Entity\ScheduledTransitionInterface $scheduledTransition
   *   A scheduled transition.
   * @throws \Drupal\scheduled_transitions\Exception\ScheduledTransitionMissingEntity
   *   Thrown if any entity or entity revision is missing for a transition.
   *   Transition is never automatically deleted if exception is thrown.
  public function runTransition(ScheduledTransitionInterface $scheduledTransition) : void;

