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function scald_gallery_scald_prerender in Scald: Gallery 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 scald_gallery.module \scald_gallery_scald_prerender()

Implements hook_scald_prerender().

For use with a player other than scald_galleria.


./scald_gallery.module, line 271
Scald Gallery is a Scald Atom Provider for image galleries.


function scald_gallery_scald_prerender($atom, $context, $options, $mode) {
  if ($mode == 'atom') {
    $config = scald_context_config_load($context);
    $player = $config->player['gallery']['*'];
    if ('default' != $player) {

    // Prerender gallery as an image atom.
    // Find out which transcoder is in use, and checks if it's
    // one of the transcoder provided by Scald Image.
    $style_name = NULL;
    $mappings = NULL;
    $transcoder = $config->transcoder['gallery']['*'];

    // Image style support.
    if (preg_match('/^style-(.*)$/', $transcoder, $match)) {
      $style_name = $match[1];
    elseif (module_exists('picture') && preg_match('/^group-(.*)$/', $transcoder, $match)) {
      $mappings = picture_mapping_load($match[1]);

    // Default attributes, which can be overridden by field settings.
    $attributes = array(
      'alt' => $atom->title,
      'title' => $atom->title,
    $items = field_get_items('scald_atom', $atom, 'scald_thumbnail');
    $thumbnail = !empty($items) ? $items[0] : array();
    foreach (array(
    ) as $attribute_name) {
      if (isset($thumbnail[$attribute_name]) && $thumbnail[$attribute_name]) {
        $attributes[$attribute_name] = $thumbnail[$attribute_name];
    if (!empty($style_name)) {
      $atom->rendered->player = theme('image_style', array(
        'path' => $atom->file_source,
        'style_name' => $style_name,
      ) + $attributes);
    elseif (isset($mappings)) {
      foreach ($mappings->mapping as $breakpoint_name => $multipliers) {
        if (!empty($multipliers)) {
          foreach ($multipliers as $multiplier => $image_style) {
            if (!$image_style) {

            // $image_style is machine name in Picture 1.x and an array in
            // Picture 2.x.
            if (is_array($image_style) && $image_style['mapping_type'] === '_none') {
            $fallback_image_style = is_array($image_style) ? $image_style['image_style'] : $image_style;
            break 2;

      // The fallback_image_style is the first image style we find, and so if it
      // is empty then we do not have any image style.
      if (!empty($fallback_image_style)) {
        $atom->rendered->player = theme('picture', array(
          'uri' => $atom->file_source,
          'style_name' => $fallback_image_style,
          'breakpoints' => $mappings->mapping,
        ) + $attributes);
    else {
      $path = empty($atom->rendered->file_transcoded_url) ? $atom->file_source : $atom->rendered->file_transcoded_url;
      $atom->rendered->player = theme('image', array(
        'path' => $path,
      ) + $attributes);