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function scald_file_scald_render in Scald File Provider 7

Implements hook_scald_render().

Renders a representation that can be used when an atom reference field or views contains both images and files.


./scald_file.module, line 427
Scald File is a Scald Atom Provider for Files.


function scald_file_scald_render($atom, $context, $options = array()) {
  if ($context == 'file_representation') {
    $config = scald_context_config_load($context);
    if ('default' != $config->player['file']['*']) {
      return $atom->rendered->player;
    else {
      return theme('scald_file_render', array(
        'vars' => array(
          'context' => $context,
          'file_source' => $atom->file_source,
          'file_size' => format_size($atom->base_entity->filesize),
          'thumbnail_source' => $atom->type == 'image' ? drupal_get_path('module', 'scald_file') . '/icons/image_jpeg2000.png' : $atom->thumbnail_source,
          'file_title' => check_plain($atom->title),