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function scald_file_form_scald_atom_add_form_options_alter in Scald File Provider 7

Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().


./scald_file.module, line 119
Scald File is a Scald Atom Provider for Files.


function scald_file_form_scald_atom_add_form_options_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  $scald = $form_state['scald'];
  if (isset($scald['type'])) {
    $type = $scald['type']->type;
  else {
    $type = $scald['atoms'][0]->type;
  if ($type !== 'file') {
  foreach ($form as $key => $data) {
    if (strpos($key, 'atom') === 0) {
      $index = intval(substr($key, 4));
      if (isset($scald['atoms'][$index]->data['scald_thumbnail_default'])) {
        $scald_thumbnail_default = $scald['atoms'][$index]->data['scald_thumbnail_default'];
      else {
        $scald_thumbnail_default = TRUE;
      $form[$key]['scald_thumbnail_default'] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#default_value' => $scald_thumbnail_default,
        '#title' => t('Automatically generate thumbnail'),
        '#description' => t('A thumbnail will be generated automatically, if possible, if the thumbnail field is empty.'),
        '#weight' => $form[$key]['scald_thumbnail']['#weight'] + 0.5,
        '#tree' => TRUE,
        '#parents' => array(
  $form['#attached']['js'][drupal_get_path('module', 'scald_file') . '/scald_file_edit_form.js'] = array(
    'type' => 'file',
  array_unshift($form['#submit'], 'scald_file_default_thumbnail_handler');