function scald_scald_provider in Scald: Media Management made easy 6
Implementation of hook_scald_provider().
- ./
scald.module, line 2360
function scald_scald_provider() {
return array(
'types' => array(
'composite' => array(
'title' => t('Scald Composite'),
'description' => t('A Scald Atom which includes other Atoms.'),
'audio' => array(
'title' => t('Audio'),
'description' => t('Audio Content.'),
'image' => array(
'title' => t('Image'),
'description' => t('Graphics and Photos.'),
'video' => array(
'title' => t('Video'),
'description' => t('Moving Pictures!'),
'contexts' => array(
'no-access' => array(
'title' => t('No Access'),
'description' => t('Built-in Context used when an Atom cannot be viewed by the current User.'),
'render_language' => 'XHTML',
'parseable' => TRUE,
'formats' => array(),
'invalid-id' => array(
'title' => t('Invalid ID'),
'description' => t('Built-in Context used when an Invalid Scald ID is provided to the rendering stack.'),
'render_language' => 'XHTML',
'parseable' => TRUE,
'formats' => array(),
'deleted' => array(
'title' => t('Deleted'),
'description' => t('Built-in Context used when an Atom is no longer present in the Registry (but once was).'),
'render_language' => 'XHTML',
'parseable' => TRUE,
'formats' => array(),
'title' => array(
'title' => t('Title'),
'description' => t('Literally *just* the title as plain text, though the language is specified as XHTML for simplicity.'),
'render_language' => 'XHTML',
'parseable' => FALSE,
'formats' => array(),
* The "passthrough" transcoder is hard-coded into Scald Core, but the Provider
* registration array would look something like this.
* 'transcoders' => array(
* 'passthrough' => array(
* 'title' => t('Passthrough'),
* 'description' => t('<see>'),
* 'formats' => array(
* 'type-a' => 'passthrough',
* 'type-b' => 'passthrough',
* // All currently-registered Scald Unified Types would be listed
* ),
* ),
* )
'relationships' => array(
'includes' => array(
'title' => t('includes'),
'title_reverse' => t('is included by'),
'description' => t('The relationship that results when a Scald Atom is included in a Scald Composite'),
'actions' => array(
* The "fetch" action is hard-coded into Scald Core, but this is what the
* Provider registration array would look like. "Fetch" occupies the lowest
* bit in the Scald Actions bitstring -- exponent 0. Similarly, the '@admin'
* pseudo-action (it's actually a mode for an Actions bitstring) occupies the
* highest bit in the Scald Actions bitstring but is hardcoded.
* 'fetch' => array(
* 'title' => t('Fetch'),
* 'description' => t('<see>'),
* ),
* // @admin is *always* the highest bit
* '@admin' => Array(
* 'title' => t('Admin Mode'),
* 'description' => t('<see>'),
* ),
'edit' => array(
'title' => t('Edit'),
'description' => t('Edit the details of a Scald Atom'),
'view' => array(
'title' => t('View'),
'description' => t('View a Scald Atom on-site'),
'delete' => array(
'title' => t('Delete'),
'description' => t('Delete (unregister) a Scald Atom'),