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function scald_contexts in Scald: Media Management made easy 7

Get available Scald Contexts.

This function determines and returns a structured array specifying all the currently provided Scald Contexts. The Scald Contexts array is cached in the Drupal variables table and only rebuilt upon request from this function. The Scald Contexts array has the following format: array( 'context-slug' => array( 'provider' => 'provider-name', 'render_language' => 'language-slug', // e.g. 'XHTML' 'type_format' => array( 'type-slug' => array( 'file_format' => 'format-slug' 'transcoder' => 'transcoder-slug' ), ... ), ), ... );

Return value

array The Scald Contexts array

17 calls to scald_contexts()
atom_reference_field_formatter_view in modules/fields/atom_reference/atom_reference.module
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ScaldAtomController::addType in includes/
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ScaldAtomController::save in includes/
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ScaldDnDTestCase::testScaldDndLibrary in tests/scald.test
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scald_admin_contexts_form in includes/
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... See full list

1 string reference to 'scald_contexts'
scald_update_7000 in ./scald.install
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./scald.module, line 122
The Scald Core, which handles all Scald Registries and dispatch.


function scald_contexts($reset = FALSE) {
  return _scald_get_info('contexts', $reset);