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function _scald_unregister_provider in Scald: Media Management made easy 6

Unregister a Scald Provider.

NOTE: This function does *not* update the internally-maintained list of Scald Providers. That happens in scald_update_providers(). Also, this function will execute *AFTER* hook_disable() but *before* hook_uinstall(). This is relevant because it means that when the Provider module's hook_uninstall() executes, all the Atoms it Provides will have been unregistered.


$provider: The name of a Scald Provider (Drupal module).

Return value

TRUE/FALSE based on the success of the unregistration action.

1 call to _scald_unregister_provider()
scald_update_providers in ./scald.module
Determine if Scald Providers have been enabled or disabled and update the Scald Registries as necessary.


./scald.module, line 388


function _scald_unregister_provider($provider) {

  // @@@TODO: Figure out what needs to happen at this point!
  //           Clearly any configuration options which reference the provider should be reset, though determining that will be difficult.  Depending on what the Provider provides (e.g. Atoms), actual data might need to be removed.  If it's an Atom Provider, batch-remove all Atoms.  The Provider module is responsible for handling any Transcoder-related cache-deletion, etc.  If it's any other kind of Provider, dropping all the data from the db should probably be adaquate.
  // @@@TODO: *DON'T* call scald_config_rebuild() here; this is a private function and scald_config_rebuild() should be called by the calling stack.