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function _scald_context_clean_export in Scald: Media Management made easy 7

Helper function to clean old CTools export files.

Used when the user choose to switch to new feature export, after recreating the features. It warns about deprecation of the old "" file.

1 call to _scald_context_clean_export()
scald_context_type_features_export_render in ./
Implements hook_features_export_render().


./, line 208
File name:


function _scald_context_clean_export($module) {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', $module) . '/' . $module . '';
  if (file_exists($path)) {
    features_log(t('The file @filename has been deprecated and can be removed.', array(
      '@filename' => $path,
    )), 'status');