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function theme_sdl_library_item in Scald: Media Management made easy 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 scald_dnd_library/scald_dnd_library.module \theme_sdl_library_item()

Returns HTML for an atom rendered in the "Library Item" context.

1 theme call to theme_sdl_library_item()
scald_dnd_library_scald_render in modules/library/scald_dnd_library/scald_dnd_library.module
Implements hook_scald_render().


modules/library/scald_dnd_library/scald_dnd_library.module, line 208
Scald DnD Library


function theme_sdl_library_item($variables) {
  $atom = $variables['atom'];
  $image = $variables['image'];
  $informations = $atom->rendered;

  // Action links
  $links = scald_atom_user_build_actions_links($atom, NULL);

  // Force view link in the dnd library to open in a new window
  if (current_path() == dnd_get_library()) {
    $links['view']['attributes']['target'] = '_blank';

  // The Insert link. Use the "_" prefix to avoid collision with possible
  // "insert" action.
  $links['_insert'] = array(
    'title' => t('Insert'),
    'external' => TRUE,
    'fragment' => FALSE,
    'attributes' => array(
      'data-atom-id' => $atom->sid,
      'style' => 'display:none',
    'href' => '',
  $links_element = array(
    '#theme' => 'links',
    '#links' => $links,
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
  $rendered_links = drupal_render($links_element);

  // Authors.
  if (!empty($informations->authors)) {
    foreach ($informations->authors as $author) {
      $author_names[] = check_plain($author->name);
    $authors = implode(', ', $author_names);
  else {
    $authors = '';
  $return = "<div class='image'>{$image}</div>\n  <div class='meta type-" . drupal_html_class($atom->type) . " clearfix'>\n    <div class='title'>{$informations->title}</div>\n    <div class='author'>{$authors}</div>\n    {$rendered_links}\n  </div>\n  ";
  return $return;