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function mee_panels_pane_content_alter in Scald: Media Management made easy 7

Implements hook_panels_pane_content_alter().

Converts the SAS representation to the rendered representation in custom content panes.


modules/fields/mee/mee.module, line 420
Defines a special textarea, with drag and drop media driven by Scald and dnd.module.


function mee_panels_pane_content_alter($content, $pane, $args, $context) {
  if ($pane->type === 'custom' && $pane->subtype === 'custom' && $content->type === 'custom' && is_string($content->content)) {
    $store_format = mee_store_format();
    if ($store_format == 'embed_div') {
      $input_format = $pane->configuration['format'];
      $list = filter_list_format($input_format);
      if (empty($list['mee_scald_widgets']) || $list['mee_scald_widgets']->status != 1) {
        $content->content = mee_filter_process($content->content);
    $content->content = scald_sas_to_rendered($content->content, NULL, FALSE, dnd_scald_wysiwyg_context_slugs());