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function atom_reference_field_widget_form_process in Scald: Media Management made easy 7

Process the Atom Reference widget element.

Add either the atom reference representation or the placeholder on the fly, depending on the field being filled.

1 string reference to 'atom_reference_field_widget_form_process'
atom_reference_field_widget_form in modules/fields/atom_reference/atom_reference.module
Implements hook_field_widget_form.


modules/fields/atom_reference/atom_reference.module, line 386
Defines a new field type, allowing to directly reference Scald Atoms from a node.


function atom_reference_field_widget_form_process(&$element) {

  // Get the default value, rendering context and format the placeholder accordingly.
  $preview_context = variable_get('dnd_context_default', 'sdl_editor_representation');
  if (isset($element['#preview_context'])) {
    $preview_context = $element['#preview_context'];
  $default = $element['#value'];
  if ($default) {
    $prefix = '<div class="atom_reference_drop_zone" data-rendering-context="' . $preview_context . '">' . scald_render($default, $preview_context) . '</div>';
  else {
    $placeholder = t('Drop a resource from Scald media library here.');
    $prefix = '<div class="atom_reference_drop_zone" data-rendering-context="' . $preview_context . '"><em>' . $placeholder . '</em></div>';
  $element['#field_prefix'] = $prefix;
  if (isset($element['#entity_type']) && module_exists('i18n_field')) {
    $instance = field_info_instance($element['#entity_type'], $element['#field_name'], $element['#bundle']);
    $translated_label = i18n_field_translate_property($instance, 'label');
    $element['#title'] = $translated_label;
  return $element;