function scald_admin_context_form in Scald: Media Management made easy 7
Form constructor for the context editing form.
string $context_name: (optional) Context name, when editing an existing Scald context.
1 string reference to 'scald_admin_context_form'
- scald_menu in ./
scald.module - Implements hook_menu().
- includes/, line 252
function scald_admin_context_form($form, &$form_state, $context_name = NULL) {
if ($context_name) {
// Edit an existing Scald context.
$custom_contexts = variable_get('scald_custom_contexts', array());
if (!array_key_exists($context_name, $custom_contexts)) {
drupal_set_message(t('Custom context not found: %context', array(
'%context' => $context_name,
)), 'error');
else {
$context = $custom_contexts[$context_name];
else {
// Default setting for the new context.
$context = array(
'name' => '',
'title' => '',
'description' => '',
'render_language' => 'XHTML',
'parseable' => TRUE,
'formats' => array(),
// Make the context array available to implementations of hook_form_alter.
$form['#context'] = $context;
$form['title'] = array(
'#title' => t('Title'),
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => $context['title'],
'#description' => t('The title of this context. This text will be displayed as part of the list on the <em>Scald Dashboard</em> and on the <em>Atom type Contexts</em> pages. It is recommended that this name begin with a capital letter and contain only letters, numbers, and spaces..'),
'#required' => TRUE,
'#size' => 30,
$form['name'] = array(
'#type' => 'machine_name',
'#default_value' => $context['name'],
'#maxlength' => 32,
'#machine_name' => array(
'source' => array(
'exists' => 'scald_context_load',
'#disabled' => $context['name'] ? TRUE : FALSE,
'#description' => t('A unique machine-readable name for this context. It must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.'),
$form['description'] = array(
'#title' => t('Description'),
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#default_value' => $context['description'],
'#description' => t('Describe this context. The text will be displayed on the <em>Scald Dashboard</em> page.'),
$form['additional_settings'] = array(
'#type' => 'vertical_tabs',
// @todo provide a JavaScript to do Vertical Tabs summary stuffs.
'#attached' => array(),
$form['system'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('System settings'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#group' => 'additional_settings',
$form['system']['parseable'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Make parseable'),
'#default_value' => (bool) $context['parseable'],
$form['actions'] = array(
'#type' => 'actions',
$form['actions']['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => $context['name'] ? t('Save context') : t('Add context'),
'#weight' => 40,
if ($context['name']) {
$form['actions']['delete'] = array(
'#markup' => l(t('Delete context'), 'admin/structure/scald/context/delete/' . $context['name']),
'#weight' => 45,
return $form;