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Files in Scald: Media Management made easy 6

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description scald_example_content_type/ name = Scald Example Provider based on a Content Type description = This module is an example of the creation of a new node type, whose node will be fed to Scald, transforming them into atoms. core = 6.x
scald_example_content_type.install scald_example_content_type/scald_example_content_type.install
scald_example_content_type.module scald_example_content_type/scald_example_content_type.module Contains an example implementation of a node type that will be used to provide atoms to Scald. For this example sake, we(ll be providing Image atoms based on pictures attached to this node. scald_image/ name = Scald Image description = "Scald Provider: Provides Image Atoms from files attached to Drupal nodes (upload.module) and from CCK fields (filefield.module, imagefield.module). Provides Transcoders from Imagecache presets…
scald_image.install scald_image/scald_image.install Scald Images Installation
scald_image.module scald_image/scald_image.module
scald_overview.txt docs/scald_overview.txt SCALD OVERVIEW DOCUMENTATION ================================================================================ Scald Core Version: 0.1 Documentation Updated: 2009-03-13 Contents -------- 1 Conventions 2 What is Scald? 2.1 Content 2.2 … scald_dnd_library/includes/ scald_dnd_library/includes/ Provides the library style plugin. Ideally, this shouldn't be needed, but I haven't figured out a cleaner way to do this yet.
scald_provider_api.txt docs/scald_provider_api.txt Scald Provider API Documentation ================================================================================ Scald Core Version: 0.7 Documentation Updated: 2009-05-05 NOTE: For a general understanding of Scald's architecture, definitions… includes/ Provides a field containing the representation of an atom, in a choosen context. includes/ Provides a Views filter handler allowing to restrict the results to atoms the user can interact with. includes/ includes/
sdl-footer.tpl.php scald_dnd_library/sdl-footer.tpl.php
sdl-header.tpl.php scald_dnd_library/sdl-header.tpl.php
sdl-library.tpl.php scald_dnd_library/sdl-library.tpl.php
TODO.txt TODO.txt ==== v0.9 / initial dev release ==== @@@TODO: When an admin selects a new nodetype for use as base entities for Atoms, scald_composites.module should register all the new Atoms. Probably batch-processed. This is explicitly the responsibility of the…


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